Some cautions:For now, a full time connection is strongly suggested, at least until ZZ gets more usage.
ZZ is very fast, and adds content to pages in seconds. The possible bottle-necks are with RSS pheeds updating/hanging in the Newz Tuel and your FTP connection.
ZZ still hasn't been tested under heavy load. We tried to anticipate the biggest problems that may occur: The "vacation scenario".
Let's say you have 50 projects running every day....That's only 2 per hour. And, you have another 100 RSS pheeds that update every day...Again, that's only 4 pheeds an hour...
Neither are a big deal...Until you go on vacation for two weeks, turning off your PC and ZZ.
Then, you get home and ZZ has 700 RSS pheeds and 700 projects to run all the instant you restart ZZ.
Here's how we handled this: ZZ will NOT run missed projects. We feel it is better to miss a project than to cause a traffic jam.
ZZ does have a printer friendly report to help you see what's been missed so you can run any priority projects that were missed "by hand".
Therefore, ZZ is NOT recommended for essential updates.
Also, print out the report often and use it to balance the project schedules.
Do some planning and add more time to the Newz Teul'z cache.
For example, if you are using search results, set the cache to:
1200 This is just about once every 50 days, which is plenty the search results, which saves the Newz Tuel some time gathering other pheeds.
If you're using BiB, Zon or even Taz, set them to update only once a week or so (140 hours). Amazon doesn't update any more than that anyway.
Try to keep Tuelz open and running as much as possible so the pheeds can update constantly. If the Newz Tuel isn't running, it may have a lot of pheeds it needs to update all at once when restarted.
-Boom boom boom boom.