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Forum URL: http://www.dombom.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: GodfatherBomb
Topic ID: 87
#0, Godfather Database
Posted by Castle on Jul-12-06 at 11:26 PM
Hello Kurt and Bombers

Is there any way to take the database from a Godfather installation and successfully install it on a new domain?

Seems to me this would be a good way to create some new sites quickly. Archiving could be turned of or on depending which sites you wanted to archive, with big installations there could be a lot of variety.

Likewise I have the same question for Blogbomb. Can I copy the database of feeds I have for one Blogbomb and transfer to another, so I can use with my new gbomb install?



#1, RE: Godfather Database
Posted by Kurt on Jul-12-06 at 11:30 PM
In response to message #0

In general, yes. If the domains are hosted on the same server with the same set-up, then it's fairly "easy".

Just download the entire GBomb/BlogBomb folder, then install on the new domain.

There will be a few file paths that need to be changed, but that's about it and any data used on the first instance, such as RSS pheeds, will be duplicated on the second domain.

Note: Don't forget about ZZ Tuel, which often will be a better option for multiple domain building and managing.