#0, 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Sep-26-07 at 06:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-07 AT 04:11 AM (PST)
This thread assumes you have Fatty installed and have a working knowledge of how Fatty works.
#1, ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Sep-26-07 at 06:16 PM
In response to message #0
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-07 AT 04:38 AM (PST)
1. Open the redirector folder and find a file called:
.htaccessOpen .htaccess in a text editor such as TextPad or Notepad.
2. Find and edit this text to match your own set up:
Do NOT add your domain name...Just make sure the path to your fatbomb is correct.
3. Change:
skin=pageL (or pageLR or pageR, accordingly)
4. Check to see if your site has an exisiting .htaccess file in the root folder, where your homepage is.
If yes, download that .htaccess file and copy/paste the redirector code into it, making sure you keep all the existing info. Just paste the redirector info to the bottom.
If no .htaccess file exists, just upload the redirector .htaccess file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(<^/>*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin1&keywords=$1
Again, NOTE the last line and modify the /cgi-bin/ path to match your setup.
Also NOTE: skin=skin1 You can change this parameter to match any skin you have in your Fatbomb/skins/ folder.
If this works, you can now create pages as fast as you can make keywords.
Here's what this does...Some comes to your site from a link and if that pages does NOT already exist, your server will make them a page using FatBomb.
While this is really "techy", if you get it set up, it's also very cool and VERY POWERFUL!!!
Follow this syntax and FatBomb will make pages on the fly based on your keywords:
I have this set up on my www.lubz.com site...
Make up your own keywords using this format and watch as Fatty makes pages on the fly:
Bascially, just make links and your server and Fatty will make pages based on the keywords in the URL.
This is just one method of making pages with Fatty. I'll show you some other methods soon...
#2, PageBomb - Making Pages Using FatBomb Part II
Posted by Kurt on Sep-26-07 at 06:54 PM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-07 AT 05:45 AM (PST)
First, download PageBomb here:
www.dombom.com/PageBomb4.zipPageBomb can be used with just about any script on your domain that will return a search result. You can even mix and match multiple scripts on the same pages.
It produces pages that are a hybrid of dynamic pages and elements of static html.
This gives the best of both worlds, as the dynamic content is added automatically by the server, but each and every page can be edited individually. This is particularly potent for adding different navigation links to various pages.
The first thing you need to know is:
Does my dynamic source include an html header and footer?
If yes, you want to remove the html header/footer code from the template you're pasting into PageBomb...
Actually, you'll probably just need to use a single line of code to create each page...Something like:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
This is for perl/cgi scripts. For php, it will look something like:
<?php include("search.php&query=<<key+words>>"); ?>
If no, then paste in the html for any template. Make sure you allow room for your content.
PageBomb will recongnize two various keyword tags:
1. <<keywords>> - Inserts keywords using blank spaces between the words:
<title>George Washington</title>
Use this tag to do some basic SEO on your pages...Use it in the title tag, h1, h2 tages, etc.
2. <<key+words>> - This inserts a + sign inbetween each word. This is usually used for search queries:
For use with Fatty, you'll want to use a tag similar to this in your pages:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin1&keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
Note: You won't be able to see any content while the pages are on your hard drive. You must upload them to your site first.
Also, you will need to include an htaccess file in the folder with your pages. It's easy, just:
Create a simple text file and name it: .htaccess
Paste this single line of text in it:
AddHandler server-parsed .html
And upload it. Don't forget it may "disapear" on your server after it's uploaded.
Or, if you have an existing .htaccess file, just add the one line of code to it.
When using PageBomb, you have two options:
1. Use the skin/temaplate that Fatty uses.
to do this, your SSI will look like:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin1&keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
You would choose your skin by modifying the skin "parameter" in the URL.
2. But what if you want to use an entirely different skin, where the search results are inserted into the template dynamically, but the rest of the template was static, so you could change it on a page by page basis?
Maybe you want to try repeating keywords in the title tag on some pages, but not all? You can't do this if the pages are entirely dynamic.
Or, you want to add dynamic elements from a second source, other than Fatty?
1. The first thing you will want to do is create a "blank" skin.
A. Open a text editor such as Textpad and insert this:
<!-- Top -->
B. Save it as:
C. Upload blank.html to your Fatty skins folder.
2. Next, create your html template. This can be as fancy or as simple as you want. Just be sure to leave room for your content in your design.
3. Paste the HTML into PageBomb.
4. Do basic SEO. The PageBomb tag is different than Fatty's:
Use this tag your HTML:
page title
<h1>, <h2> tags
meta tags
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=blank&keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
6. Paste in your list of keywords and make some pages!
If you just want to make some quick pages and can't get the modrewrite to work for you, just enter the SSI tag with the skin you want in PageBomb plus your keywords and NOTHING ELSE:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin1&keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
If you want more control over each page, use the "blank" skin, then add the html code to PageBomb.
#3, Using WINHTTRACK to Make Pages with FatBomb Part III
Posted by Kurt on Oct-15-07 at 05:01 AM
In response to message #2
The first method we used "mod rewrite" and an .htaccess file to create dynamic pages. "Dynamic" means the server creates the page each time it is visited.This is good because any changes you make to the resources used, such as different engines, weights, data files, etc, will be used immediately.
However, this takes a lot of server resources, especially with busy sites.
Also, every skin/template is the same. You can't vary what's in your navigation columns, etc.
The next strategy using PageBomb is a hybrid, it uses part dynamic elements and part static elements.
It allows you to customize many part of the pages on a page by page basis, while still adding dynamic content..
This method is good in that it greatly reduces server strain and allows you to modify each and every page individually. Later on, I'll show you how to use TUELZ to do some amazing things will these static pages.
The draw back is, if you want to change something, you have to make changes to all the pages. If you want to use different resources, you'll have to regenerate all the pages again.
The modrewrite/redirector .htaccess file strategy oulined in the first post must be working!!!
We'll use a totally FREE program called HTTRACK:
What it is, is a page "sucker". It will take a list of URLs and "suck" them to your hard drive.
In our case, we're going to make a list of all of the URLs to the pages we want to create, then have HTTRACK suck them to our hard drive.
Once they are on our hard drive, we can upload them to any domain we want. This way, you only have to install Fatty once, and can use it to build pages for domain after domain after domain!
#4, Making a List of URLs to Feed HTTrack
Posted by Kurt on Oct-15-07 at 05:07 AM
In response to message #3
1. Download my Tuelz software:
www.tuelz.com/download.htmlDownload all the Lite Tuelz:
2. Start Tuelz.exe
3. Click on the Linez link to open the Linez Tuel.
4. Paste in a big list of keywords
5. Find:
(blank space - Use your space bar once)
This will add a + to all multi-word phrases
6. Suffix lines:
7. Prefix lines:
8. Paste the list of URLs into HTTrack.
#5, Can SE's ban fatbomb for scraping?
Posted by John Rowe on Oct-17-07 at 10:41 AM
In response to message #0
Hi Kurt,Thanks for responding to my other question. I have another along the same lines.
Some of the page builder scripts I've used will get banned by a search engine while scraping.
In my last post I mentioned throwing up a page with 1000 links pointing to my fatbomb install. When the spiders hit that link page and start spidering all those links... fatbomb will start scraping 1000 times...
When this happens, is it possible for the SE's to temporarily ban the IP and therefore there will be no results for fatty? And if yes, then what does fatty do?
Thx again,
#6, RE: Can SE's ban fatbomb for scraping?
Posted by Kurt on Oct-17-07 at 11:12 AM
In response to message #5
Hi John,Most engines have a tolerance of 1000 per day. If one engine doesn't return result, Fatty will ignore it, depending on the time out parameter that was set in the admin.
I actually have a blackhat desktop program I created a while back that scrapes the results from your PC and then uploads them to Fatty, so your home IP can be used.
Problem is, it's 4 years old and I haven't used it in ages so I don't know if it still works or not...If there's enough folks interested, speak up, and I'll look into it some more.
Side note: If you find Fatty "hanging", check to see if you have ODP selected...It can be notoriously slow, and even unreachable.
#7, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by kelvin brown on Oct-18-07 at 05:34 AM
In response to message #0
Kurt,Reading one of your other threads, I realized something, I think.
You spoke of articles.
Well, like before, I have hundreds of tips, paragraph size that could loaded up into fatbomb, to create hundreds of unique pages and searches, especially niche.
#8, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-18-07 at 07:28 AM
In response to message #7
Hey Kelvin,I've also thought about articles a lot and how to use them with Fatty.
Thing is, I haven't come up with a way of automating it, or even making it semi-automatic.
The strategy also depends on what type of rights you have for the content.
Even though I don't have the "perfect solution" yet, I'll post some strategies that may stimulate someone else...Some of them will only take a couple of hours of labor, in case someone doens't mind.
Kelvin said:
>>Well, like before, I have hundreds of tips, paragraph size that could loaded up into fatbomb, to create hundreds of unique pages and searches, especially niche.
In this case, it's farily easy...Put them all in a text file, then get each "chunk" on a line.
In Textpad, select each chunk and ctrl+j (join lines).
Once you're finished, Open Tuelz=>Linez Tuel and prefix each line with:
The "normal" FatBomb format is:
URL|Title|The description goes here...
We can leave the URL and TITLE blank, but both should be blank and not one of the other. This leaves us with just content and no links:
||The description goes here...
Quick Note: You can use html in the description if you choose.
This will work very well for Kelvin's situation. Kelvin can jack up the weight of this database so that these tips are listed first, then use some of the scraper resources to fill out the pages.
Kelvin could even do some "spinning" and substitute different keywords and come up with multiple versions of each "chunk".
Now, let's say you have some PLR articles or other content you own, such as your own...You could split them into chunks as describe above.
Or, you can post them on another site(s) of your's. Then use the URL and TITLE, then still split them into chunks.
Put each chunk+title+URL into seperate text databases and upload to Fatty. This is actually a very effective search relevancy techinque. If an article is spread between multiple databases, the articles that have the keyword in the most databases will score a higher rank, due to the "frequency" bonus.
Since keywords were found in multiple chunks, it means the article had the keywords throughout the entire article, and not just in one paragraph.
Make sense?
The above strategy can also be used for articles that come from places like Ezine Articles and is a good, legit way to dedoop articles, as well as build links to the articles on your sites.
First, post the article in its entirety on one of your sites, including resource box.
Then, "chunk it" into 5 or more text database files, using a paragraph or so in each file.
EACH chunk will need to be in this format:
URL to Full Article|Title|Chunk
Now, different chunks will come up with the use of diffent keywords, and each chunk will be mixed and matched with other stuff and scraped resources, creating a unique mixture of content and words.
Let's say you have a bunch of PLR articles in text files, and each article also uses html to at least seperate paragraphs.
Put each in a text database file of it's own and upload to Fatty.
In theory, you could have 500 text database files. Again, I haven't tested Fatty to check its capacity for tons of text databases.
But if this works, also in theory, instead of using the Fatty admin to accept each database one at a time, you could open the fatbomb/data/config.dat file in a text editor and enter all the databases that way.
Those that have mastered the Replacez Tuel could probably do this very quickly.
Fatty gives you tons of ways to mix and match content...It isn't limited to just scraping outside resoruces by any means.
I encourage everyone to spend some time on an ongoing basis and develope your own content/databases over time. This is how to create content that's truly one of a kind and of decent-good quality.
#9, Mastering The URL
Posted by Kurt on Oct-18-07 at 07:55 AM
In response to message #8
A Fatty search will produce a long URL using different "parameters". A parameter is just a command to tell Fatty what to display.We can change the keywords, the skin used, the starting point of the results, and the total number of results, all just using the parameters in the URL.
Everything to the RIGHT of the URL is a parameter, with each seperated by the "&" sign.
Here's a typical Fatty URL:
This part is the URL:
What's leftover are the parameters:
And let's break each of these down:
keywords=elvis - This is obviously our keywords. Change it, and we change the content.
skin=skin2 - This will change the look and feel. We cover skins in a different thread...but each skin can have diffent "navigation links" and that will also vary the content somewhat.
start=0 - this parameter tells Fatty which result to start at. 0 actually means to start with the very first results. If you enter "10", the first result will be the resource that was listed 11th in the SERPs.
length=20 The length attribute tells Fatty how many links/resources to list with each results.
Combining the start and the length and using them in with different numbers can create tons of different opportunities.
Instead of having one "elvis" page with 20 results, let's make 4 different pages with 5 results:
We may want to vary the length, so some pages are short and others are long. This gives us more variety for the search engines...Maybe they like long pages this week, and short next...
Also depending on the kewords used, most Fatty SERPs will return a bunch of results. Think about how you can use the "start" and "length" parameters to squeeze lots of pages out of a single search.
Remember, it often takes Fatty just as much "power" to create one page about Elvis as it does to create dozens, if you know how to use and exploit the "start" and "length" paramters.
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser's address bar. Then mess around with the attributes. Change the skin from 1-10 and change the start and the length.
I don't have many engines selected at this time, but if I had a few more, you'd see an even bigger difference in content that can be generated from a single keyword.
#10, RE: Mastering The URL
Posted by kelvin brown on Oct-18-07 at 09:45 AM
In response to message #9
Kurt,I was thinking of using the chunks like you showed me before.
This time with a small twist.
First assuming ( and i do) that I have 20 different PLR ebooks all on some topic of IM ( other niches apply).
Let's say I can quickly get 30 chunks per book: That gives me 600 IM chunks to work with.
Now, I need to signup with affiliate programs appropriate for each of the 20 PRS.
For example if one is on using youtube. THen I might go to clickbank, and find a youtube product that pays well. Every chunk of the youtube PLR would have a URL pointing to the youtube clickbank product.
Now, later I find a different product to promote, i can do find and replace, on the the affiliate URL I added.
Now, Kurt you know how I like to so live samples.
Do you want that in your membership site? Or others areas? Or at all?
#11, RE: Mastering The URL
Posted by Kurt on Oct-18-07 at 10:36 AM
In response to message #10
>Do you want that in your membership site? Or others areas?
>Or at all?
>Hey Kelvin,
Put it here...I'm sure members would like to see it...Go ahead and start a new thread for it.
#12, RE: Mastering The URL
Posted by mmurtha on Oct-19-07 at 12:29 PM
In response to message #11
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-07 AT 12:29 PM (PST)
Hey Kelvin,I know I'd appreciate it if you could post it here in the fourm.
#13, RE: Mastering The URL
Posted by ezrydn on Oct-21-07 at 06:33 AM
In response to message #12
Plus, with the holidays approaching and a glout of giveaways happening, there's no reason for anyone to NOT have an abundance of PLR material to splice into Phatty (isn't that what we used to call it???).John
#14, RE: Mastering The URL
Posted by mmurtha on Oct-21-07 at 10:53 AM
In response to message #13
>Plus, with the holidays approaching and a glout of giveaways
>happening, there's no reason for anyone to NOT have an
>abundance of PLR material to splice into Phatty (isn't that
>what we used to call it???).
>John John,
As far as I know Fatty has always been Fatty lol.
But, I know you guys use to call feeds Pheeds.
I still do...
#15, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by sgtaw on Oct-25-07 at 09:20 AM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-07 AT 09:23 AM (PST)
>Follow this syntax and FatBomb will make pages on the fly
>based on your keywords:
>www.yourdomain.com/rolling-stones.html This is very powerful!
The searches are made "on the fly"
So you could have a "menu" with all the keyword searches ready for the user to just click"
Too Cool!
Thanks and blessings,
#16, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-25-07 at 01:04 PM
In response to message #15
>This is very powerful!
>The searches are made "on the fly"
>So you could have a "menu" with all the keyword searches
>ready for the user to just click"
>Too Cool! Hey Ed...
Yes, it's both cool and very powerful.
Now, let's take the next step:
Create a new directory/folder in the "root" directory of you website.
Make two simple modifications to your htaccess file:
Here's the base URL:
Change /cgi-bin/ to:
Change skin1 to skin2
This gives us:
What we've done is tell your server that any requests made for the second directory to use a different skin.
In other words, if you make links like this:
www.YourDomain.com/elvis-presley.html - Your server will use skin #1
If you make links like this:
www.YourDomain.com/NewFolder/elvis-presley.html - Your server will make pages using skin #2.
Let's say you have a site about sports. Your home directory would be about all sports in general and your skin would list links to:
Next, create a new "golf" folder, modify the htaccess/mod rewrite file as above, create a skin called "golf.html", and refer to it in your htaccess as:
Now, create a "golf" skin, including more specific links to other golf related keywords:
Tiger Woods
golf clubs
Repeat with all other major sports:
Make new folder
Make new skin with relative links
Modify htaccess to call that skin
Upload htaccess to that folder
Upload new skin to the Fatty skins folder
This may take an hour to learn, then 10 minutes to repeat and you can pump out pages and pages and pages.
Now, let's say you have 1000 "pages". If you put 10 external links to your other sites on each page, you have 10,000 linking opportunities.
Master these concepts and you'll be able to compete with the real SEOers and blackhatters.
Hey Ed...
I'm putting you in charge of testing this...I did it off the top of my head and there may be a problem...You're perfect for this, as you have basic web skills. So if you can do this, so can everyone else.
#17, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by sgtaw on Oct-25-07 at 02:37 PM
In response to message #16
Hi Kurt!OK. I'll get back to everyone soon...
#18, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by sgtaw on Oct-25-07 at 02:58 PM
In response to message #16
Hi Everyone!This is what I found....
>If you make links like this:
>www.YourDomain.com/NewFolder/elvis-presley.html -
>Your server will make pages using skin #2.
>Repeat with all other major sports:
>Make new folder
>Make new skin with relative links
>Modify htaccess to call that skin
>Upload htaccess to that folder
>Upload new skin to the Fatty skins folder
Make new folder
Make new skin with relative links
Copy htaccess to new folder
Modify htaccess to call that skin
Upload htaccess to that folder
Upload new skin to the Fatty skins folder
#19, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by sgtaw on Oct-26-07 at 06:33 AM
In response to message #18
Everyone, Ignore my post above!For some reason it got truncated! I will post very complete instructions!
#20, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by sgtaw on Oct-26-07 at 09:32 AM
In response to message #16
OK. Here is what I found....Please take a look at http://sports.acquirewisdom.com
>Now, let's take the next step:
>Create a new directory/folder in the "root" directory of you
These are the directories you want,... ie. golf, boxing, judo, etc.
>Make two simple modifications to your htaccess file:
>Here's the base URL:
>Change /cgi-bin/ to:
A couple of notes:
1. you MUST have a .htaccess in each of the folders you create.
2. The rename like Kurt mentions, didn't work on my server. I tried multiple ways. What WORKED was to have the full domain path... ie http://sports.acquirewisdom.com/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin1&keywords=$1
>Change skin1 to skin2
To keep things in "order" I call the skins baseball.html, boxing.html, etc.
>This gives us:
>What we've done is tell your server that any requests made
>for the second directory to use a different skin.
>In other words, if you make links like this:
>www.YourDomain.com/elvis-presley.html - Your server will use
>skin #1
>If you make links like this:
>www.YourDomain.com/NewFolder/elvis-presley.html -
>Your server will make pages using skin #2.
>Let's say you have a site about sports. Your home directory
>would be about all sports in general and your skin would
>list links to:
>Next, create a new "golf" folder, modify the htaccess/mod
>rewrite file as above, create a skin called "golf.html", and
>refer to it in your htaccess as:
>Now, create a "golf" skin, including more specific links to
>other golf related keywords:
>Tiger Woods
>golf clubs
You can see on my site this is exactly what I did.
Some notes:
1. If you use CSS for your html, then you need to create multiple css files. One for each skin. I had to do this because the link to pictures are in the CSS file not hard coded into the html.
2. Using a generic template, like the one I used allows for very fast modification using tuelz (pages, namez, replacez).
For example, if you have 3 pictures in the html.
a. Then name then picz1.jpg, picz2.jpg, picz3.jpg.
b. run replacez to replace picz with baseball, boxing. etc.
c. make sure to select "by page" in replacez
d. also make sure your real pics are named appropriately like
baseball1.jpg, baseball2.jpg
e. using this method, you could change 1000s of pics literally in
3. The most time is in creating a generic template so you can do #2 above. But once it's done, 1000s of pages very quickly.
4. Keeping images and styles in the root folder makes it easier to use tuelz because then the replacez, etc can be done just on that folder.
5. REMEMBER to keep your MASTER template somewhere apart from where you will run the tuelz! Or else it will replace all your stuff!
I hope this helps. Let me know any questions you have.
By the way, I leave the country for some missionary work on Tuesday October 29 and will return the 19th of November. So communications will be limited during that time.
#21, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by mmurtha on Oct-26-07 at 10:41 AM
In response to message #20
Hey Kurt,That is what I've been trying to do but haven't succeeded yet.
I didn't know you had to place a .ataccess file in each created folder.
Thank you too kid! 
#22, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Jeff Usher on Oct-29-07 at 09:08 AM
In response to message #21
Kurt,I'm wanting to use a php include but in the Fatty2 zip file I do not have a php version of the file only a cgi so the instructions above are not working for me as I can't get my server to recognise SSI's.
How do I utilise the php ( search.php ) file as above ?
Many thanks
#23, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-29-07 at 09:53 AM
In response to message #22
Hey Jeff...You're on our own, as I don't know a thing about php. Did you try to Google it?
#24, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Jeff Usher on Oct-29-07 at 10:43 AM
In response to message #23
Kurt,I'm just following your instructions as above which state:-
Actually, you'll probably just need to use a single line of code to create each page...Something like:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
This is for perl/cgi scripts. For php, it will look something like:
<?php include("search.php&query=<<key+words>>"); ?>
I thought there may be something I was missing as you seem to state that there is a cgi and php version of the file.
I'll stay confused for now then, perhaps the instructions should remove the references to PHP code if this is not available. Sure got me confused.
#25, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-29-07 at 10:52 AM
In response to message #24
>I'm just following your instructions as above which state:-
>Actually, you'll probably just need to use a single line of
>code to create each page...Something like:
>virtual="/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
>This is for perl/cgi scripts. For php, it will look
>something like:
><?php include("search.php&query=<<key+words>>"); ?>
>I thought there may be something I was missing as you seem
>to state that there is a cgi and php version of the file.
>I'll stay confused for now then, perhaps the instructions
>should remove the references to PHP code if this is not
>available. Sure got me confused.
>Jeff Jeff,
Those directions are for using PageBomb, which is the post you are referencing, and the sentence you quoted is for php and not specific to FatBomb, as PageBomb is NOT limited to making pages using Fatty.
If using Pagebomb is confusing to you, don't use it. That should simplify things for you.
#26, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-29-07 at 10:59 AM
In response to message #25
PS Jeff...Here's the ENTIRE context of the php reference...The directions leading up to the PHP reference.First, download PageBomb here:
PageBomb can be used with just about any script on your domain that will return a search result. You can even mix and match multiple scripts on the same pages.
It produces pages that are a hybrid of dynamic pages and elements of static html.
This gives the best of both worlds, as the dynamic content is added automatically by the server, but each and every page can be edited individually. This is particularly potent for adding different navigation links to various pages.
The first thing you need to know is:
Does my dynamic source include an html header and footer?
If yes, you want to remove the html header/footer code from the template you're pasting into PageBomb...
Actually, you'll probably just need to use a single line of code to create each page...Something like:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=<<key+words>>" -->
This is for perl/cgi scripts. For php, it will look something like:
<?php include("search.php&query=<<key+words>>"); ?>
#27, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Jeff Usher on Oct-29-07 at 11:34 PM
In response to message #26
Cheers Kurt,Just me being a doofus again then
#28, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Mou_here on Oct-30-07 at 05:20 AM
In response to message #27
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-07 AT 05:27 AM (PST)
can't get ModRewrite to work
Tried both
For the PageBomb method pardon my noob qestion:
where do I upload the pagebomb scripts ?
#29, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-30-07 at 07:37 AM
In response to message #28
Hi Mao,Your file path for mod rewrite appears to be correct. I would ask your host if they have the server configured to allow for mod rewrite, not all servers are.
You can also try: (wohtout the leading / )
BTW, what error/results did you get? This info is always helpful. Instead of saying something "doesn't work', please post what the results were.
PageBomb doesn't make scripts, it makes .html pages. They can be uploaded "anywhere", however you will need to adjust the path the SSI tag used depending on where (what folder) you upload them.
#30, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Mou_here on Oct-30-07 at 05:47 PM
In response to message #29
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-07 AT 05:53 PM (PST)
Hi Kurt,>Your file path for mod rewrite appears to be correct. I
>would ask your host if they have the server configured to
>allow for mod rewrite, not all servers are.
I'm pretty sure it works because I remember doing it before for some other scripts
>You can also try: (wohtout the leading / )
>BTW, what error/results did you get? This info is always
>helpful. Instead of saying something "doesn't work', please
>post what the results were.
tried without the leading / . Gives the same 404 page not found error as before.
>PageBomb doesn't make scripts, it makes .html pages. They
>can be uploaded "anywhere", however you will need to adjust
>the path the SSI tag used depending on where (what folder)
>you upload them.
Sorry, I should have been more clearer. So the way is to create the pages first using the pagebomb template and then upload in folders I want?. The Pagebomb files (unzipped) need not be uploaded ?
#31, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-30-07 at 07:42 PM
In response to message #30
Hi Mao...
>I'm pretty sure it works because I remember doing it before
>for some other scripts
>tried without the leading / . Gives the same 404 page not
>found error as before.
If this doesn't work, I really don't know what to tell you, other than to use a smimilar syntax that you used with your other scripts.
>Sorry, I should have been more clearer. So the way is to
>create the pages first using the pagebomb template and then
>upload in folders I want?. The Pagebomb files (unzipped)
>need not be uploaded ?
PageBomb isn't a template, it's a desktop program that makes html pages using templates. However, when using with Fatty you can dynamically use Fatty's templates by using SSI tags.
In this case, all you need to do is enter the SSI tag in the template box and a list of keywords. After the pages are made, upload them AND the htaccess file to your site.
#32, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Mou_here on Oct-31-07 at 06:11 PM
In response to message #31
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 06:12 PM (PST)
>>I'm pretty sure it works because I remember doing it before
>>for some other scripts
>>tried without the leading / . Gives the same 404 page not
>>found error as before.
>If this doesn't work, I really don't know what to tell you,
>other than to use a smimilar syntax that you used with your
>other scripts.
>It's finally working.
I went on trying but no luck.
Then I contacted my webhost though I was pretty sure mode-rewrite is on. They showed me a simple example that proved mod-rewrite was working.
I tried to post here, but found the site was down.
Not knowing what to do next, I once again opened the "redirector" folder of Fatty 1.0 I downloaded and check the script.
Instead of
RewriteRule ^(<^/>*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=pageR&keywords=$1
which I copied from the first post here, it contained this:
RewriteRule ^(<^/>*)\.html$ /cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=pageR&keywords=$1
Changing that <> to <> was all that was needed.
Any noob reading this and trying Fatty 1.0 may take notice of this.
I'm now going to get Fatty 2.0
#33, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Mou_here on Oct-31-07 at 06:14 PM
In response to message #32
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-07 AT 06:17 PM (PST)
oops...posting above realized that maybe the forum software is automatically changes the other parenthesis to "<"
Is that right?
#34, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by kelvin brown on Nov-01-07 at 08:31 AM
In response to message #33
That is correct. The forum is not code friendly.kelvin
#35, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by tuanku on Nov-05-07 at 09:05 PM
In response to message #34
Hi,Needs some help here. Just tried install fatty2 and I am stucked at making pages. Whenever I try http://www.mydomain.com/test.html I will get error:
Software Error
The directory 'data/cache/dmoz-13823' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57
The directory 'data/cache/google-13823' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57.
I don't see any /cache/ folder inside data folder. Is the folder supposed to be created automatically by fatbomb? Any idea what could go wrong?.
#36, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by mmurtha on Nov-05-07 at 09:20 PM
In response to message #35
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-07 AT 09:24 PM (PST)
>Needs some help here. Just tried install fatty2 and I am
>stucked at making pages. Whenever I try
>http://www.mydomain.com/test.html I will get error:
>Software Error
>The directory 'data/cache/dmoz-13823' does not exist at
>lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57
>The directory 'data/cache/google-13823' does not exist at
>lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57.
>I don't see any /cache/ folder inside data folder. Is the
>folder supposed to be created automatically by fatbomb? Any
>idea what could go wrong?. Hey Tuanka,
My cache folder is located in mysite.com/cgi-bin/fatbomb/data/cache
I cannot remember if it was created automatically, or if I added the folder in while installing, but I did check the script to see if it is the FatBomb folder.
It is in there, so my guess is that it should have been uploaded with all the other files.
If it isn't in your data folder, try adding a folder marked "cache" to see if this helps.
Btw, you might want to post FatBomb installation questions in the FatBomb 1.0 or 2.0 version threads, depending on what version you are working with.
That thread may have some info in it for you too.
#37, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by tuanku on Nov-05-07 at 09:35 PM
In response to message #36
Arrgghh... my unzip software doesn't seem to unzip empty folder!I've uploaded everything back just to be sure and it works!
Thanks Mary!
#38, Noticed a problem
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-06-07 at 03:20 AM
In response to message #1
Kurt,I just noticed a problem.
This is an installation of Fatty 1.0 .
When I create the page like http://www.biztoolvault.com/articlemarketing.html
Fatty is creating the page Fine.
But when I click on the <<next page>> instead of showing the next 20 pages it is taking to the homepage of the site.
Didn't check this before. Just found out this now. What have I done wrong?
#39, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by mmurtha on Nov-06-07 at 05:01 AM
In response to message #37
>Arrgghh... my unzip software doesn't seem to unzip empty
>I've uploaded everything back just to be sure and it works!
>Thanks Mary! Hey Tusanku,
Great to hear you got things working!
I know I've had that problem when using FTP client before, and the best way to fix it is to do what you've done....reinstall it.
It usually works like a charm. 
Btw, you are welcome.
#40, Problem with pages
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-06-07 at 05:35 AM
In response to message #39
Just so...this doesn't get buried.
I just noticed a problem.
This is an installation of Fatty 1.0 .
When I create the page like http://www.biztoolvault.com/articlemarketing.html
Fatty is creating the page Fine.
But when I click on the <<next page>> instead of showing the next 20 pages it is taking to the homepage of the site.
Didn't check this before. Just found out this now. What have I done wrong?
#41, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-06-07 at 09:52 AM
In response to message #40
>When I create the page like
>Fatty is creating the page Fine.
>But when I click on the <<next page>> instead of showing the
>next 20 pages it is taking to the homepage of the site. Mou,
This has to do with modrewrite and I'm not sure of the fix. You need to either use on of the page skins or remove the "next" page tag from the skin you are using.
I posted what each tag is on another thread. You may also have to remove an "end" tag. Back up your skin and mess around with the tags, it's good to experiement.
#42, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Jeff Usher on Nov-12-07 at 06:25 AM
In response to message #41
LAST EDITED ON Nov-12-07 AT 06:26 AM (PST)
Hi Kurt,As we are nearing the end of this months tutorial and Fatty information, I was just wondering if the people here could take a quick look at my implementation to see if I'm on the right tracks with Fatty before progressing to the other tools.
Here's the site I've been incorporating the tools into:-
On the navigation menu you will see 2 items, "Dog Search Engine" and "Dog Treat Links", both are fatty and integrated into the existing template of the site. One is using the search engine technique, the other is using the links technique.
Seems to work OK .... Just need a second opinion on the implementation to make sure I'm on the right tracks.
#43, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-12-07 at 06:48 AM
In response to message #42
It looks really good Jeff.Is there a way that you could put in your affiliate links for the dog treat links??
Is there a way to do that with FatBomb, Kurt?? Or should some other tuelz be used for it?
It would be really good that way!!
I will be showing you my site soon. I am working on it.
#44, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-12-07 at 07:56 AM
In response to message #43
Hi Jeff,Looks good. The biggest change I'd make is to include the links you put here:
And put them in your Fatty template, either on the left or bottom of the page so you get some cross-linking.
I'd also select more "LSI friendly" keywords. All/most of your keywords contain "food". I'd mix it up more and use keywords such as:
dog training collars
dog breeders
puppy health care
pet supplies
In other words, vary your keyword selection a little more, using some LSI related research.
Next, I'd use a different selection of keywords, change the Fatty resoruces and make some static pages. Put these pages on other domains/IPs and link to your "other" pages.
#45, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-12-07 at 08:01 AM
In response to message #43
>Is there a way that you could put in your affiliate links
>for the dog treat links??
> Is there a way to do that with FatBomb, Kurt?? Or should
>some other tuelz be used for it?
>It would be really good that way!! Hi Faraz...
Just create a custom text database containing any affiliate links in Fatty Format:
"SEO" the links by making sure you use a lot of relevant keywords...Upload it and tell Fatty where it is "at" and give it a high weight so these links will appear at the top of the SERPs.
#46, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-13-07 at 12:16 PM
In response to message #45
On another thread, Faraz asked:>Hi Kurt,
>I have installed fatbomb, but am unable to understand the
>part where you talk about databases.
>The video shows a florida.txt file. Is that the database?
>What am I supposed to put in the database file?
You put whatever you want into the database file, which is the whole point.
Want affiliate links? Put affiliate links.
Want high quality, hand picked links, use them.
Want to put links to your own pages and sites? Do it.
>I have also read the "4 Making Pages using Fatbomb" thread
>where you talk about opening the redirector folder and edit
>the .htaccess file.
>Well, I cant find the redirector folder but I do have the
>.htaccess file in the root folder.
>I also dont know about the redirector.htaccess file that you
>talk about.
Just upload the .htaccess file to your root/main web directory.
#47, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-13-07 at 11:13 PM
In response to message #46
Hi Kurt,
Thanks for the reply.
I have been able to make it work now.These seem to be working okay now:
and http://www.silentarrow.com/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?keywords=elvis&skin=pageLR&start=0&length=20
But when I try to make pages on the fly and put in
OR http://www.silentarrow.com/elvis , then I get a 404 Page Not Found error.
I also get a 500 internal server error when I try to access these pages.
(I just told you this because it might be relevant to this problem)
How do I make it work?
#48, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-13-07 at 11:28 PM
In response to message #47
Hi Faraz,
>But when I try to make pages on the fly and put in
>OR http://www.silentarrow.com/elvis , then I get a 404 Page
>Not Found error.
1. Did you upload the .htaccess file to your root web folder?
2. If yes, are you sure your host allows modrewrite?
>I also get a 500 internal server error when I try to access
>these pages.
> http://www.silentarrow.com/cgi-bin/fatbomb/skins/skin1.html
>(I just told you this because it might be relevant to this
You don't need to access the skins directly through your browser.
If you access them using modrewrite or SSI, you just use:
Don't use the .html extension:
#49, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-13-07 at 11:37 PM
In response to message #48
>1. Did you upload the .htaccess file to your root web
>2. If yes, are you sure your host allows modrewrite? Yes, I uploaded the .htaccess file to my root folder.
My host is hostgator and I am not sure if it allows modrewrite. How do I check?
>You don't need to access the skins directly through your
>If you access them using modrewrite or SSI, you just use:
>Don't use the .html extension:
I didnt want to access it. I just told you this info because I thought this might give you some idea about the problem.
#50, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-14-07 at 00:03 AM
In response to message #49
>Yes, I uploaded the .htaccess file to my root folder.
>My host is hostgator and I am not sure if it allows
>modrewrite. How do I check?
It's probably best that you email/contact support and ask. Tell them what you're trying to do and they may find the error, if there is one. But make sure they have mod-rewrite enabled before trying to trouble shoot...
Just copy this:
Is modrewrite enabled? I uploaded an .htaccess file to my root directory calling this script:
...And I'm trying to get it to work as:
Can you help?
#51, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-14-07 at 00:53 AM
In response to message #50
It's probably best that you email/contact support and ask.
>Tell them what you're trying to do and they may find the
>error, if there is one. But make sure they have mod-rewrite
>enabled before trying to trouble shoot...
>Just copy this:
>Is modrewrite enabled? I uploaded an .htaccess file to my
>root directory calling this script:
>...And I'm trying to get it to work as:
>Can you help? Okay, I talked to their live support now and they said that mod rewrite is available but that I should send an email for further assistance.So,I just sent them an email.
#52, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-14-07 at 01:40 AM
In response to message #51
>Okay, I talked to their live support now and they said that
>mod rewrite is available but that I should send an email for
>further assistance.So,I just sent them an email.
Hi Faraz...
It's time for me to get some sleep. Let me know what they say and we'll figure something out.
#53, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-14-07 at 04:40 AM
In response to message #52
Hi kurt,
I just received their reply.
I have pasted it below:
Hello,I apologize but we do not provide assistance with mod_rewrite scripting. It is
enabled on all servers and working as normal.
The only thing that I learnt from it is that mod rewrite is enabled on the servers.
Dont know what else is wrong.
#54, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-14-07 at 12:40 PM
In response to message #53
Hi Faraz, I don't know what else to tell you, either.
You can try this tool to create the modrewrite to see if it works:
If that doesn't work you can send me $20 and I"ll have my tech expert (Kirill) look at it, and/or you can use PageBomb. (see earlier posts on this thread).
1. Download PageBomb (see above)
2. Add this ssi tag to the template box:
<!--#include virtual="cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?keywords=<<key+words>>&skin=skin1&start=0&length=20"-->
You can change the skin , start and length atributes.
3. Add a bunch of keywords to the keyword box.
4. Create an htaccess file:
Create a simple text file and name it: .htaccess
Paste this single line of text in it:
AddHandler server-parsed .html
And upload it. Don't forget it may "disapear" on your server after it's uploaded.
5. Upload the pages PageBomb creates, along with the htaccess file to your root directory/folder.
If you upload them to a sub folder, you will need to change the SSI tag you enter in PageBomb.
#55, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by farazahmed on Nov-14-07 at 08:24 PM
In response to message #54
Hey Kurt,
Its finally working.
It was a problem with the bracket.
I was using these brackets <> in the htaccess file while I was supposed to use the other one.
I just changed it and it worked.
Take a look http://www.silentarrow.com/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?keywords=federer&skin=skin1&start=0&length=20 and http://www.silentarrow.com/federer.html
Now, I just need to find out how to put something in the left and right columns. Is it a skins thing or a template thing, I dont know.I will go and check the skins thread now.
#56, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Kurt on Nov-14-07 at 10:41 PM
In response to message #55
>Now, I just need to find out how to put something in the
>left and right columns. Is it a skins thing or a template
>thing, I dont know.I will go and check the skins thread now.
#57, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-15-07 at 09:33 AM
In response to message #56
I missed this thread earlier>> I was using these brackets <> in the htaccess file while I was supposed to use the other one.
That's the exact problem I also faced and mentioned it in an earlier post in this thread.
However I've still not been able to work the <<next page>> link. Once I click it I'm being taken to the home page.
#58, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Jeff Usher on Nov-17-07 at 02:21 AM
In response to message #57
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-07 AT 02:26 AM (PST)
>However I've still not been able to work the <<next page>>
>link. Once I click it I'm being taken to the home page.
>~Mou Mou,
I had exactly the same problem and managed to resolve it. If you hover your mouse over one of the result pages at the bottom of the page i.e.
Result page: <1><2><3><4><5><6><7><8><9>Next »
And look at the URL in the bottom corner of your browser, that will give you clue as to whats going on. There's something not quite right with the template or the .htaccess file that needs tweaking.
As you can see, you are missing the link to the script, you should have something like:-
The "search.cgi" ( or whatever you called the script ) part is missing from the link.
If you PM me your FTP and domain details I'll go in and take a look for you if you like.
#59, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by hyperpower on Nov-21-07 at 06:36 AM
In response to message #58
>>However I've still not been able to work the <<next page>>
>>link. Once I click it I'm being taken to the home page.
>I had exactly the same problem and managed to resolve it. If
>you hover your mouse over one of the result pages at the
>bottom of the page i.e.
>Result page: <1><2><3><4><5><6><7><8><9>Next »
>And look at the URL in the bottom corner of your browser,
>that will give you clue as to whats going on. There's
>something not quite right with the template or the .htaccess
>file that needs tweaking.
>As you can see, you are missing the link to the script, you
>should have something like:-
>The "search.cgi" ( or whatever you called the script ) part
>is missing from the link.
>If you PM me your FTP and domain details I'll go in and take
>a look for you if you like.
Jeff can you share how you solve this? i got this error too..
#60, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Jeff Usher on Nov-21-07 at 09:42 AM
In response to message #59
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-07 AT 09:44 AM (PST)
The way I solved it was to find this line in the skin file ( i.e. skin3.html or whatever skin you have chosen, it should be around line 92 or 93 ):-<a href="./?skin=<% form.skin as url %>&keywords=<% form.keywords as url %>&start=<% page.start %>&length=<% page.length %>"><% if[P>
You see the bit at that beginning that says:-
<a href="./?skin=
You need to add the path to your fatty cgi file there. So in my
case I altered it to:-
<a href="search.cgi/?skin= ..................................
Hope that makes sense.
#61, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-21-07 at 10:34 AM
In response to message #60
Hi Jeff,Thanks a lot. Your solution worked great for the search.
However I'm finding another problem on updating the "skin3.html" page
If you check this page http://biztoolvault.com/test.html
I've used both the "search" and some keywords link like "keyword1.html" "keyword2.html" etc.
When I click the keyword.html , the first page is coming up fine but, pn clicking <1><2><3> or <<next>> I'm getting 404 error. Basically the url now being shown for these keyword pages as
instead of
Any idea ho to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
#62, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by hyperpower on Nov-21-07 at 06:40 PM
In response to message #60
>The way I solved it was to find this line in the skin file (
>i.e. skin3.html or whatever skin you have chosen, it should
>be around line 92 or 93 ):-
><a href="./?skin=<% form.skin as url %>&keywords=<% [BR>>form.keywords as url %]&start=<% page.start %>&length=<% [BR>>page.length %]"><% if [BR>>
>You see the bit at that beginning that says:-
><a href="./?skin=
>You need to add the path to your fatty cgi file there. So in
>case I altered it to:-
><a href="search.cgi/?skin=
>Hope that makes sense.
>Jeff Jeff,
I tried this before already. It works, but something is not quite right.
If you go to your dog site, try click page 2, then click page 3. If you look at the url, it gets longer and longer.
For eg search.cgi/search.cgi/?skin=
It gets longer if you click on further pages, but the search results show up fine though..
Is there another way to this? Perhaps using .htaccess?
#63, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-21-07 at 07:56 PM
In response to message #62
>I tried this before already. It works, but something is not
>quite right.
>If you go to your dog site, try click page 2, then click
>page 3. If you look at the url, it gets longer and longer.
>For eg search.cgi/search.cgi/?skin=
>It gets longer if you click on further pages, but the search
>results show up fine though..
Yes I saw that too, but as per as the search results go they were fine.
Also do you have any solution for the other problem I mentioned above?
Thanks a lot
#64, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by hyperpower on Nov-21-07 at 09:39 PM
In response to message #63
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-07 AT 09:44 PM (PST)
>>I tried this before already. It works, but something is not
>>quite right.
>>If you go to your dog site, try click page 2, then click
>>page 3. If you look at the url, it gets longer and longer.
>>For eg search.cgi/search.cgi/?skin=
>>It gets longer if you click on further pages, but the search
>>results show up fine though..
>Yes I saw that too, but as per as the search results go they
>were fine.
>Also do you have any solution for the other problem I
>mentioned above?
>Thanks a lot
did you change the codes in your template like what Jeff taught? If you did, i think you put in the wrong code.
You should put /cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi
The links now in http://www.biztoolvault.com/articlemarketing.html point to a wrong url that causes 404 errors..
your .htaccess is correct though..
#65, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Jeff Usher on Nov-22-07 at 00:32 AM
In response to message #64
Hmmmm....Perhaps my fix was not as good as I first thought
I'll have another look and see if I can straighten this
out and get back to you guys.
#66, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by hyperpower on Nov-23-07 at 06:26 AM
In response to message #65
Anyone else got a solution to this?christopher
#67, RE: Problem with pages
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-24-07 at 07:42 AM
In response to message #64
>Mou, >You should put /cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi
>The links now in
>http://www.biztoolvault.com/articlemarketing.html point to a
>wrong url that causes 404 errors..
>your .htaccess is correct though..
That worked perfectly.
#68, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Mou_here on Nov-27-07 at 10:57 AM
In response to message #16
>Yes, it's both cool and very powerful. >Let's say you have a site about sports. Your home directory
>would be about all sports in general and your skin would
>list links to:
>Next, create a new "golf" folder, modify the htaccess/mod
>rewrite file as above, create a skin called "golf.html", and
>refer to it in your htaccess as:
>Now, create a "golf" skin, including more specific links to
>other golf related keywords:
>Tiger Woods
>golf clubs
>Repeat with all other major sports:
>Make new folder
>Make new skin with relative links
>Modify htaccess to call that skin
>Upload htaccess to that folder
>Upload new skin to the Fatty skins folder
I've been working on this. And everything seems to be working absolutely as you have written.
Only one thing...
If someone tries to access http://www.domain.com/golf --- in this case the page is just throwing up the 'golf' skin. What should be done for this? index.html page inside golf folder? What should that page contain ?
other than that http://www.domain.com/golf/Tiger_woods.html and other pages on the fly are working perfectly
#69, Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Johlum on Nov-28-07 at 12:23 PM
In response to message #68
Kurt,The answer may be so obvious that I can't see it, but where are the static pages we create for Fatbomb kept on the domain and how does FB find them when a search for the keyword is invoked?
Are they all kept under the root (public_html) directory or in the cgi-bin where fatbomb resides?
#70, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Nov-28-07 at 08:33 PM
In response to message #69
>The answer may be so obvious that I can't see it, but where
>are the static pages we create for Fatbomb kept on the
>domain and how does FB find them when a search for the
>keyword is invoked?
>Are they all kept under the root (public_html) directory or
>in the cgi-bin where fatbomb resides? Hi Ernie...
If you're talking about pages using modrewrite/htaccess, they aren't really "static" pages, they are dynamic and generated on the fly...We use the modrewrite to make them look like they are static html pages.
So the answer to your question is: Neither. 
If you want to convert them to "real" static pages, download the free program HTTRACK and it will "suck" the pages to your hard drive.
It's best if you enter a URL into HTTRACK for each page you want to create.
Here's how:
Make a list of keywords and paste them into the Linez Tuel.
(blank spaces)
- (hyphen)
this should add a hypen to all multi-word phrases.
Suffix each line with:
Prefix each line with:
This should give you a long list of URLs, one per keyword.
Paste the list into HTTRACK and start "sucking".
Somewhere in HTTRACK there's a way to limite the speed of the process...I recommend you slow it down so you don't brring down your server.
Using this technique, you can create tons and tons and tons of static pages with a single install of Fatty.
Once they are on your hard drive, you can edit them, SEO them, cross-link them, using various Tuelz (which we'll get into soon), then upload them to a variety of hosts.
You can even use the same keyword/URL list, just log into your Fatty admin each time and tweak the resources you use, which results in pages with different content.
#71, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Johlum on Nov-29-07 at 04:17 AM
In response to message #70
Kurt,I understand everything you've laid out above, my question is more simple.
What location/directory to I put the pages I've sucked down using HTTrack?
I have pulled down roughly 100 pages around various keywords and am SEOing them using your techniques, just don't know what location on a server to upload them to once I'm down.
#72, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Nov-29-07 at 06:29 AM
In response to message #71
>What location/directory to I put the pages I've sucked down
>using HTTrack?
>I have pulled down roughly 100 pages around various keywords
>and am SEOing them using your techniques, just don't know
>what location on a server to upload them to once I'm down. Hi Ernie,
Put them wherever you want...
You can even put them in your root directory. Modrewrite will still work with every keyword that doesn't have a page.
Only problem is if you want to make new pages with the same keywords, HTTRACK will suck down the same static pages. In this case you may want to make s sub-folder for htaccess to be used only for sucking pages.
#73, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Johlum on Nov-30-07 at 12:34 PM
In response to message #72
Kurt,Another question.
If I create static pages (and SEO them) for most of my precanned searches can FB find them (or what do I need to do so it can) if I put them in "themed" directories?
Example: put all the static Dalmatian breed pages in a www.mydomain.com/dalmatian directory.
It would help me keep things organized better and on the sites I "themed" this way all have better rankings in Google.
#74, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Nov-30-07 at 01:03 PM
In response to message #73
>If I create static pages (and SEO them) for most of my
>precanned searches can FB find them (or what do I need to do
>so it can) if I put them in "themed" directories?
>Example: put all the static Dalmatian breed pages in a
>www.mydomain.com/dalmatian directory. Hi Ernie,
Fatty doesn't need to find them after they have been converted to static.
Just download each them to its own folder, then run Tuelz on each/every folder as needed.
#75, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Johlum on Nov-30-07 at 01:04 PM
In response to message #74
#76, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by hyperpower on Nov-30-07 at 06:29 PM
In response to message #74
>Fatty doesn't need to find them after they have been
>converted to static.
>Just download each them to its own folder, then run Tuelz on
>each/every folder as needed.
Hey Kurt,
If fatbomb did not convert them to static pages, does it still serve the purpose of attracting traffic? If i create 1000 pages on the fly using modrewrite, does SE view my site as 1 page or 1000 pages?
#77, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by sgtaw on Nov-30-07 at 06:47 PM
In response to message #76
>If fatbomb did not convert them to static pages, does it
>still serve the purpose of attracting traffic? If i create
>1000 pages on the fly using modrewrite, does SE view my site
>as 1 page or 1000 pages? That's my question, too!
Since FB creates everything on the fly do the SE's crawl the links and index them?
Also, the script is called fatbomb.cgi is this a fingerprint? If we change it to something else, will the script blowup?
Thanks and blessings,
#78, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Nov-30-07 at 08:48 PM
In response to message #77
HI Chris, Ed and All...If using modrewrite or SSi (PageBomb), the engines will see and treat the pages as static html pages.
Unless you are linking directly to Fatty results, and use SSI or modrewrite, the engines will never see "fatbomb".
To check the above, view the source code...What you see in the source is the same as the engines see.
Benefits of each:
Dynamic (modrewrite/SSI)
-If you update fatty resources, all pages updated instantly.
-No need to download/upload pages
-Mods made in Fatty skins affect all pages instantly.
-Create pages just by linking
Convert to static using HTTRACK
- use less server resources/load faster
- can edit each page indivually
- can be moved to other directories or other domains to make use of cheap/free hosting
- Don't need Fatty installed (once page is created)
In general, have one dynamic fatty per major niche, then create static pages for each sub-niche/other domains.
#79, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Mou_here on Dec-06-07 at 11:39 PM
In response to message #78
In general, have one dynamic fatty per major niche, then create static pages for each sub-niche/other domains.
Kurt I have two questions....
1)Suppose I create a niche directory using static pages created by fatty result and want to provide a 'Search' option for the directory . What's the best option (need any other script)any to do this?
2)I may be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that Fatty has capability of finding what 'keywords' people are searching in a site. Knowing this we can build those keyword specific pages. Is it possible to do this with Fatty? If yes, what should I do ?
#80, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Dec-07-07 at 03:13 AM
In response to message #79
Hi Mou,
>1)Suppose I create a niche directory using static pages
>created by fatty result and want to provide a 'Search'
>option for the directory . What's the best option (need any
>other script)any to do this?
To search your own pages or search the web?
>2)I may be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that Fatty
>has capability of finding what 'keywords' people are
>searching in a site. Knowing this we can build those keyword
>specific pages. Is it possible to do this with Fatty? If
>yes, what should I do ?
In the Fatty admin configuration page, make sure that you check the box to have Fatty record search keywords.
Check the file /data/keywords.text using FTP once in a while to view the keywords.
Paste into textpad and sort them alphabetically so you can see which ones are been entered multiple times, remove doops, and use like you would any keyword list.
#81, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Mou_here on Dec-07-07 at 05:53 AM
In response to message #80
>To search your own pages or search the web? To search my own pages in the directory, created through Fatty. Is there any script that do this?
>In the Fatty admin configuration page, make sure that you
>check the box to have Fatty record search keywords.
>Check the file /data/keywords.text using FTP once in a while
>to view the keywords.
>Paste into textpad and sort them alphabetically so you can
>see which ones are been entered multiple times, remove
>doops, and use like you would any keyword list.
Thanks a lot Kurt
#82, Pages redirect question
Posted by Johlum on Dec-08-07 at 05:55 PM
In response to message #81
Kurt,Curious why when I do a search from the Fatbomb search box on my index page the first result page links goes to each subsequent results page as it should.
However, using the include below for defined searches the first result page links go back to the site index page not each subsequent results page.
I would think if the htaccess redirect wasn't working any search would go back to the index page, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something simple.
Here's the include (php) I'm putting on a blank page. Wondering if I'm not including a parameter and that's causing the issue.
<? virtual("/cgi-bin/fatbomb/fatbomb.cgi/?skin=skin6dt&keywords=dog+training");?>
#83, RE: Pages redirect question
Posted by Kurt on Dec-09-07 at 03:52 AM
In response to message #82
HI Ernie,This is the same problem that others have brought up earlier in the thread. I honestly don't have a answer...Sorry.
#84, Keyword Pages -- Main Site and Other Sites...
Posted by sgtaw on Dec-19-07 at 00:04 AM
In response to message #83
I couldn't find this elsewhere....I have a bunch of keyword phrases. Let's say, for this discussion:
baseball trading cards
ken griffith jr trading card
red sox cards for trading
I have created static fatty pages on my web site for them.
For my blogger, WP, etc, sites... What do I do with those keyword phrases?
1. Do I paste the same static pages into those sites and have a keyword url back?
2. Do I create other static pages with the keyword url back?
3. ???
There are probably many answers.
A little guidance is appreciated.
Merry Christmas,
#85, RE: Keyword Pages -- Main Site and Other Sites...
Posted by Kurt on Dec-19-07 at 06:42 AM
In response to message #84
>Let's say, for this
>baseball trading cards
>ken griffith jr trading card
>red sox cards for trading
>I have created static fatty pages on my web site for them.
>For my blogger, WP, etc, sites... What do I do with those
>keyword phrases?
>1. Do I paste the same static pages into those sites and
>have a keyword url back?
>2. Do I create other static pages with the keyword url back?
>3. ???
>There are probably many answers. HI Ed,
Use the same keywords on your tin sites as you do all your pages, then like to other pages with similar keywords. Point your tin sites to some Fatty pages.
You use Fatty pages in many ways, just like you would with all assets. I'm not going to list every possible use, as that's like asking how to I use web pages, but try mixing Fatty results with articles, or with ZZ Tuel to create static html pages that still update automatically.
#87, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Jan-05-08 at 09:24 PM
In response to message #86
>When I use fatty with the datafeeds from linkshare, I notice
>that the url's are very long and extend past the format of
>all the skins. Does anyone know what can be done to shorten
>them or even beter how to mask them?
>HI Gil,
Remove the tag that places the URL in the skin. Refer to the #3 Fatty skins thread.
#89, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by hyperpower on Jan-28-08 at 04:57 PM
In response to message #75
Hey Kurt,It seems that when i create a new page on the fly with a new keyword, it can rank in top 10 within 24 hours.
but it lost the ranking very soon.. why is that so? by the way my fatbomb site is still young, 2 month old, but it just got a PR 3.
Should I just get more quality links to my site i suppose..
#90, RE: Where do the static html pages reside?
Posted by Kurt on Jan-28-08 at 09:07 PM
In response to message #89
>It seems that when i create a new page on the fly with a new
>keyword, it can rank in top 10 within 24 hours.
>but it lost the ranking very soon.. why is that so? by the
>way my fatbomb site is still young, 2 month old, but it just
>got a PR 3.
>Should I just get more quality links to my site i suppose.. Hi Chris,
Yep, it's all about linking, including some bookmarking.
#91, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by billboy2 on Feb-12-08 at 03:15 AM
In response to message #16
As Kurt says:Make new folder
Make new skin with relative links
Modify htaccess to call that skin
Upload htaccess to that folder
Upload new skin to the Fatty skins folder
This may take an hour to learn, then 10 minutes to repeat and you can pump out pages and pages and pages.
Now, let's say you have 1000 "pages". If you put 10 external links to your other sites on each page, you have 10,000 linking opportunities.
Master these concepts and you'll be able to compete with the real SEOers and blackhatters.
Once you have worked out your own way of making folders uploading etc it really does just take about 10 mins to finish a new topic folder with a page full of new pages links and your own sites links.
Linez is an amazing Tuel which saves so much time and is so simple to use.
Would recommend mastering this area of Fatbomb as making pages is so easy and fast.
After I have made a new topic folder I make a new google site map and submit it to google, who then visit my site really fast.
I use this site map maker http://gsitecrawler.com. Its free and easy to use.
I find google really likes the pages Fatbomb makes and I appear to be getting visitors pretty quickly.
#92, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Feb-14-08 at 02:49 AM
In response to message #91
>Once you have worked out your own way of making folders
>uploading etc it really does just take about 10 mins to
>finish a new topic folder with a page full of new pages
>links and your own sites links.
>Linez is an amazing Tuel which saves so much time and is so
>simple to use.
>Would recommend mastering this area of Fatbomb as making
>pages is so easy and fast.
>After I have made a new topic folder I make a new google
>site map and submit it to google, who then visit my site
>really fast.
>I use this site map maker http://gsitecrawler.com. Its free
>and easy to use.
>I find google really likes the pages Fatbomb makes and I
>appear to be getting visitors pretty quickly.
Thanks Bill, I appreciate your comments.
Linez is a great, underrated tuel that when mastered can perform "magic" when manipulating text...
And, for those that take the time to really learn Fatty, they'll have a very potent way of creating tons and tons of pages.
While there is a learning curve, this is due to the power of Fatty and once it is leanered it makes making pages a snap.
And Google does like these pages. Everyone is hung up on "authority" pages, ignoring the fact that Google also loves "hub" pages, which is Fatty's specialty.
Local portals are the rage right now and Fatty is excellent for building local portals.
Add in the ability to have your own databases and you have another way to monetize your FatBomb...Just offer "premium listings", put them into your custom database and jack up the "weight" so that the premium listings are at the top of your SERPs.
Note: If you missed out on Fatty, we'll be getting back to it in the future.
#93, RE: YouTube Results
Posted by toiman9 on Feb-25-08 at 11:14 PM
In response to message #92
I just noticed my installs of FatBomb are not giving YouTube results anymore. I checked in Engines and it is enabled. Did YouTube change something? It was working before (couple weeks ago).
#94, RE: YouTube Results
Posted by Kurt on Feb-26-08 at 01:53 AM
In response to message #93
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-08 AT 01:55 AM (PST)
>I just noticed my installs of FatBomb are not giving YouTube
>results anymore. I checked in Engines and it is enabled. Did
>YouTube change something? It was working before (couple
>weeks ago). From time to time various resources will change. And with so many resources, it's likely that not all of them will work at any given time.
Because of this, I can't promise that any given resource will work now or in the future. This is why so many resources are included, so that you'll have a good selection at any given time.
If you find a resource that isn't working, post it here and when a few are down, I'll see which ones can be fixed and issue updates...
Who volunteers to check the SE resources and post the non-woring ones here? 
PS. I really suggest converting Fatty pages to static whenever possible, so that any broken resources won't impact your static pages...
#95, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by billboy2 on Mar-13-08 at 05:02 AM
In response to message #0
Hi KurtJust noticed this morning that FatBomb is not picking up google listings !!
Even when I set the weight for google to 100 and all the rest to 0 then all I get are empty pages !!
This can only have happened over the last few days as it was fine at the start of the week.
Is it just me or is it something google has maybe done ?
#96, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Mar-13-08 at 05:51 AM
In response to message #95
>Hi Kurt
>Just noticed this morning that FatBomb is not picking up
>google listings !!
>Even when I set the weight for google to 100 and all the
>rest to 0 then all I get are empty pages !!
>This can only have happened over the last few days as it was
>fine at the start of the week.
>Is it just me or is it something google has maybe done ? Hi Bill,
Please read my post right above your's...Engines change all the time.
#97, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by billboy2 on Mar-13-08 at 10:12 PM
In response to message #96
Sorry about that Kurt.I must pay more attention !
#98, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Mar-13-08 at 11:09 PM
In response to message #97
>Sorry about that Kurt.
>I must pay more attention ! Hey Bill,
That's OK...I just didn't feel like typing it over again. 
#99, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-16-08 at 10:14 AM
In response to message #98
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-08 AT 10:16 AM (PST)
I have the problem that the output of the listings is always 10 (and no further pages)
even though the settings are different
Already deleted the cache etc!
Where do I have to look to solve this issue???regards
#100, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Apr-16-08 at 11:27 AM
In response to message #99
>I have the problem that the output of the listings is always
>10 (and no further pages)
>even though the settings are different
>Already deleted the cache etc!
>Where do I have to look to solve this issue???
Sounds like you messed someting up in your templates...
#101, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-16-08 at 02:52 PM
In response to message #100
Kurt thanks I will check the templates..
cant wait for the next fatty update and some more fatty tips!
bytheway I sent you a pm!
#102, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-17-08 at 08:49 AM
In response to message #101
Paste the list into HTTRACK and start "sucking".
Somewhere in HTTRACK there's a way to limite the speed of the process...I recommend you slow it down so you don't brring down your serveI guess its under setup options and then "limits"
I can get the first page of a fatty install "sucked down" but not the second, third, fourth page etc (for the same keyword)
I slowed down the speed as much as possible and even used a fatty which isnt mine (sorry if you encounter more traffic it was me)
#103, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Apr-17-08 at 10:58 AM
In response to message #102
>Paste the list into HTTRACK and start "sucking".
>Somewhere in HTTRACK there's a way to limite the speed of
>the process...I recommend you slow it down so you don't
>brring down your serve
>I guess its under setup options and then "limits"
>I can get the first page of a fatty install "sucked down"
>but not the second, third, fourth page etc (for the same
>keyword) Run httrack again, each time modifying the URL with the page start parameter.
Something like:
I'm not sure if "&start=21" is the right syntax, I'll let you look it up...It's somewhere in here. Test it in the browser first, you don't have to download pages to test.
This will return pages starting with the 21st results.
#104, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-17-08 at 11:37 AM
In response to message #103
Hi Kurt,
thanks for the quick reply
I found some info here:http://www.dombom.com/dcforum/DCForumID24/49.html
Hi I am not sure if steve (sedriskill) had the same idea:
but wouldnt it be possible to create an additional command in the .htaccess file to rewrite the other pages too!???
(I would like to see/test if there is a difference between static/dynamic and sucked pages in terms of speed and overall ability to get indexed)
#105, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Apr-17-08 at 01:07 PM
In response to message #104
>Hi I am not sure if steve (sedriskill) had the same idea:
>but wouldnt it be possible to create an additional command
>in the .htaccess file to rewrite the other pages too!??? It's possible, but I'm not sure what the correct command is.
Once you figure it out, be sure to post it so the rest of us can use it. 
#106, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-17-08 at 02:30 PM
In response to message #105
thanks Kurt
I will pay someone to do this next week
and post the .htaccess once its done and working!Karsten
#107, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by billboy2 on Apr-24-08 at 11:40 PM
In response to message #106
Hi KurtAll my fatbomb sites are down this morning, were fine about 2 hours ago !!
All give errors like these
The directory 'data/cache/altavista-13994' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57.
The directory 'data/cache/dmoz-13994' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57, <PATH> line 16
The directory 'data/cache/looksmart-13994' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57.
The directory 'data/cache/teoma-13994' does not exist at lib/Gamma/Cache.pm line 57.
#108, RE: 4 Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by billboy2 on Apr-25-08 at 03:12 AM
In response to message #107
KurtIgnore above post please
Had exceeded file space with my host
My Apoloigies
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-29-08 at 09:27 AM
In response to message #108
Ok I have some serious problems with my fatty install!
Hopefully somebody is able to help me out here:
This is the domain:
http://www.free-arcade-game.infoIf I use the search everything works (it creates pages and I get more results by clicking on the results page)
BUT: If I use one of the links I put on the index and generate a site and click on the resulting page at the bottom on the result page e.g. 1 2 3 4 instead of showing more results it shows me the index page again.
To make it worse if I use one of the links with a dash e.g. arcade-games.html it shows even a different skin!
I tried it with the latest fatty still the same - tried it with different browsers still the same problem!
Posted by Kurt on Apr-29-08 at 10:42 AM
In response to message #109
>BUT: If I use one of the links I put on the index and
>generate a site and click on the resulting page at the
>bottom on the result page e.g. 1 2 3 4 instead of showing
>more results it shows me the index page again.
>To make it worse if I use one of the links with a dash e.g.
>arcade-games.html it shows even a different skin!
>I tried it with the latest fatty still the same - tried it
>with different browsers still the same problem! Karsten...
Ease up on the !!!!! It makes it seem like you are yelling.
Next, you are getting two different skins because of the skin you choose in your modrewrite. There are a number of variables that can be added to the URL you use in modrewrite.
Let me say this...This thread is about making pages. Instead of finding ways to be "perfect", I strongly suggest each person finds ways to be productive.
Posted by blue_sky on Apr-29-08 at 01:53 PM
In response to message #110
I strongly suggest each person finds ways to be productive.
Kurt, you do have a strong point here...
I found at least the solution for one problem
was already posted and burried deep down within the board
if you are using skin1:
<a href="./?skin
- should be:
<a href="/cgi-bin/fatbomb.cgi/?skin
#112, Sitemap for fattypages: Yes, No or maybe?????
Posted by blue_sky on Jun-10-08 at 04:52 AM
In response to message #111
Sorry looks like I am always the one with the dumb questions
but what could be the best way to deal with the downloaded (subcategory) fatty pages in terms of getting them properly indexed.1. get links pointing to them
2. make a sitemap (does anybody use keymapz for this??)
3. Blackhole RSS feed (no experience yet) if so one feed for every subdirectory??
4. linking from the indexpage (kelvins preferred style pretty ugly though (sorry kelvin
but seems to work )
#113, RE: Sitemap for fattypages: Yes, No or maybe?????
Posted by kelvin brown on Jun-10-08 at 05:45 AM
In response to message #112
No harm.I am always for function over looks.
What works, all of the above.
>4. linking from the indexpage (kelvins preferred style
>pretty ugly though (sorry kelvin
but seems to work )
#114, RE: Sitemap for fattypages: Yes, No or maybe?????
Posted by Kurt on Jun-10-08 at 07:43 AM
In response to message #112
>Sorry looks like I am always the one with the dumb questions
but what could be the best way to deal with the
>downloaded (subcategory) fatty pages in terms of getting
>them properly indexed.
>1. get links pointing to them
>2. make a sitemap (does anybody use keymapz for this??)
>3. Blackhole RSS feed (no experience yet) if so one feed for
>every subdirectory??
>4. linking from the indexpage (kelvins preferred style
>pretty ugly though (sorry kelvin
but seems to work )
>5?. 3A. Ping the Blackhole
5. Use the Keymapz Tuel.
6. All of the above.
#115, RE: Sitemap for fattypages: Yes, No or maybe?????
Posted by blue_sky on Jun-12-08 at 10:00 AM
In response to message #114
kevin and kurt - thanks for the replies
#116, Search not working for static html??
Posted by blue_sky on Jun-17-08 at 03:47 AM
In response to message #115
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-08 AT 03:51 AM (PST)
so after being productive and having built loooots of pages I just discovered that for some reason the search is not working for "sucked" static html fatty pages (downloaded with httrack)I get an error: "Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL ..."
strange enough its working for some pages though - I tripple checked everything because I thought it might be related to a wrong .htaccess but I couldnt find the problem
I managed to make it work though when using the absolut path in the form action e.g.
<form action="http://www.domain.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi/?skin=skin2&keywords=$1" method="POST">
this problem only appears when using different/themes/folders/directories with different skins!
Bombers any ideas???
#117, RE: Search not working for static html??
Posted by Kurt on Jun-17-08 at 10:24 AM
In response to message #116
>this problem only appears when using
>different/themes/folders/directories with different skins! Hi Karsten,
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this...
One thing to consider when making static pages, you may not want to use a search box at all on these pages.
1) Technically, Google doesn't allow Adsense on SERPs.
2) You want to make pages using "long tail" keywords, then push visitors to your highest paying keywords. You do this by linking to pages that focus on the higher paying keywords (usually the shorter, fewer words, the more they pay) and not giving folks a choice to pick their own keywords.
Since we're both at a loss for the cause of the problem, do you have a specific need/reason that the search boxes need to be included?
Can you set up a custom Google search (branded with your Adsense) to do the same thing?
#118, RE: Search not working for static html??
Posted by blue_sky on Jun-17-08 at 12:31 PM
In response to message #117
thanks for the quick reply.
the search box was working on static pages in the "root" directory but its not when I am using themed directories boxing, golf etc for the overall theme "sport" (thats just an example)I thought the search box is suppose to work on that static pages as well that is the reason I asked but you can make it work when using the little work around I mentioned.
Why would I want to use the search box after all:
talking about VEO (visitor enhanced optimization LOL) the pages are looking less spammy that way and therfore you might get not reported if a competitor stumbles over your pages.
#119, Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by sgtaw on Jan-07-09 at 01:43 PM
In response to message #75
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-09 AT 01:51 PM (PST)
Help!Has anyone figured out the proper coding to call fatbomb using php OR is this a dead horse??
This is my code and it just won't work!
<?php include($_SERVER<'DOCUMENT_ROOT'>."/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi/?skin=blank&length=5&keywords=stuff"); ?>
I know that the path is right because I can execute the path directly.
I have also hard coded the "DOCUMENT_ROOT" and it also doesn't work.
I have tried to change .htaccess with no success.
This is kicking my butt!
The big thing is that I have php that is doing a bunch of stuff on my site but none of it will work when I have to alter the htaccess so that fatbomb will run!
#120, RE: Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by sgtaw on Jan-07-09 at 01:53 PM
In response to message #119
More information....I am just have a static html page that makes the php call to get fatbomb results.
If I us a virtual call then I have to modify my htaccess and my "other" php (stores, cb) won't run!
just more info,
#121, RE: Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by jeffhope on Jan-07-09 at 04:56 PM
In response to message #120
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-09 AT 05:01 PM (PST)
Ed, You shouldn't have to alter .htaccess to use PHP virtual:
<?php virtual($_SERVER<'DOCUMENT_ROOT'>."/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi/?skin=blank&length=5&keywords=stuff"); ?>
(replace <> with open & close square brackets )
That may not be the problem, but it's where I'd start.
#122, RE: Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by sgtaw on Jan-08-09 at 05:18 AM
In response to message #121
>(replace <> with open & close square brackets )
>That may not be the problem, but it's where I'd start. Hi Jeff,
Hmmmm... They DO have the square brackets. However, I think this forum doesn't like square brackets!
In any case, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' has square brackets around it.
Here is the error I get....
Warning: include(/home/user/public_html/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi/?keywords=car) : failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/user/public_html/index.php on line 161Warning: include() : Failed opening '/home/user/public_html/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi/?keywords=car' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/user/public_html/index.php on line 161
#123, RE: Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by sgtaw on Jan-08-09 at 05:43 AM
In response to message #122
OK this is is getting even more bizarre.When I use fatbomb to create pages on the fly. ie I just put somthing at the end of the domain. http://domain.com/someithing-here.html
Everything works. Specifically Javascript.
However, when I use fatbomb to be inserted into static pages, all the javascript on the page stops working!
Any ideas?
From my posts above, when my php store, javascript, etc. is working, FB insert is not working.
When FB insert works, php store, javascript, etc is not working.
I make it work or not work based on my htaccess.
#124, RE: Fatbomb and PHP...
Posted by jeffhope on Jan-08-09 at 08:58 AM
In response to message #123
In the first example, you probably can't reference it that way. PHP is looking for an exact directory & file location, and you're giving it some input parameters to Fatbomb that it's treating as a file - so it can't find what it's looking for. I'd change that to the http URL location of Fatbomb, with the input parameters, so that the Fatbomb CGI will be processed before PHP reads it. I'd also change it to use PHP virtual() instead of include(). That may not even work, and you may have to use file() or file_get_contents() on your particular server, depending on how PHP is configured.
The javascript stuff probably has to do with incorrect or unspecified relative and absolute file locations either in the Fatbomb skins, your HTML, or PHP.
#125, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by calvin on Oct-16-09 at 06:50 PM
In response to message #1
Hi KurtI have put up a couple of dynamic page-making scripts (from pete d) that use ModRewrite. I have around 1800 keywords for each site that I have made hyperlinks for using your Keyword Converter and find/replace.
What would you suggest as a reasonable way to build backlinks for this many keywords? I'm guessing that putting up blogs/free hosts with pages containing 1800 links would not be a good idea 
What would be the max number of links that you would put up on a tin site?
Also, is it a bad idea to make a sitemap on my domain pointing to 1800 pages?
#126, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-17-09 at 06:41 AM
In response to message #125
>Hi Kurt
>I have put up a couple of dynamic page-making scripts (from
>pete d) that use ModRewrite. I have around 1800 keywords for
>each site that I have made hyperlinks for using your Keyword
>Converter and find/replace.
>What would you suggest as a reasonable way to build
>backlinks for this many keywords? I'm guessing that putting
>up blogs/free hosts with pages containing 1800 links would
>not be a good idea
>What would be the max number of links that you would put up
>on a tin site?
>Also, is it a bad idea to make a sitemap on my domain
>pointing to 1800 pages?
>Thanks...Calvin Hi Calvin,
Dealing with this many pages gets more complex.
You want to do two things:
1. Try to get all the pages indexed
2. Have a linking structure that points link juice to the best pages.
Pick your best 30-50 keywords/pages. Get backlinks for these pages. Have about 25% of your backlinks point to your homepage. 70% to the 30-50 "best" pages, and 5% to the other 1700+ pages.
I don't know your page structure, so I can't go into too much detail...But from this point on is why I like hybrid pages that are part static and part dynamic.
I would add the content dynamically, but use PageBomb to create the rest of the page as static HTML.
Without knowing how the pages are created, I can't give specifics.
To be honest, I keep trying to write directions, but keep coming back to hybrid pages. I really suggest taking a detour at this time and redo the pages using Pagebomb.
The key will be to take out all the extra html (headeer/footer html) from your dynamic template. Then, paste the template into PageBomb, adding an SSI tag where you want the content to go.
Once you do this, we can add links where ever we want to.
#127, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by calvin on Oct-18-09 at 07:26 PM
In response to message #126
Hi KurtThanks for the tips. It's starting to all come together.
I just got your "PageBomb - Making Pages Using FatBomb Part II" method working on a different site (not the one with pete's script yet). Had a bit of a struggle getting the SSI working, but now it's all good. I'm very excited about the possibilities. Now I have to get the chunks ready for Pagebomb (using your ideas from the "Updated Ideas of Gold/Silver Money Sites" thread...fantastic stuff), and then use some of your internal linking methods. Then backlinking.
I also came up with an idea for the first site I was talking about (the one with pete's script). It's basically a tin feeder site that I'll use for creating links to a money site. It creates dynamically generated keyword pages and a corresponding feed for each dynamically generated keyword page. I think I can use your method from the "How to Make Tons of Links FAST and Links = Pages!" thread to make the 1800 feed links. Then I'll mash together groups of links (eg. 100 feeds mashed together x 18). I was originally going to use X-fruits, but I might as well get Blogbomb going and use that:) Then submit the mashed feeds to the aggregators. Hopefully, I can get alot of the pages indexed and pointing a ton of links to the money site.
Anyways, I am extremely happy that I joined your forum. I have learned a ton of stuff that I've never heard of before. The depth and quality of the information you have provided is amazing.
Thanks so much for having me!
#128, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by Kurt on Oct-24-09 at 01:00 PM
In response to message #127
Hi Calvin...Now take about 100 keywords of the 1800 and make PageBomb pages. These will have some static elements. Use these pages to create what we used to call "hallway" pages. Hallway pages are like site maps, their main purpose is to link to other pages.
Each of these pages should link to 25 of your 1800 pages, as well as 20-40 other hallway pages.
With all these pages your goal isn't really to try to get them all to rank, but rather to help your "best" 25-50 pages to rank well. To do this, make sure you link to your "best" 25 or so pages in your templates so these pages get site-wide links.
#129, RE: ModRewrite - Making Pages Using FatBomb
Posted by calvin on Oct-26-09 at 06:24 PM
In response to message #128
>Hi Calvin...
>Now take about 100 keywords of the 1800 and make PageBomb
>pages. These will have some static elements. Use these pages
>to create what we used to call "hallway" pages. Hallway
>pages are like site maps, their main purpose is to link to
>other pages.
>Each of these pages should link to 25 of your 1800 pages, as
>well as 20-40 other hallway pages.
>With all these pages your goal isn't really to try to get
>them all to rank, but rather to help your "best" 25-50 pages
>to rank well. To do this, make sure you link to your "best"
>25 or so pages in your templates so these pages get
>site-wide links. Hi Kurt
Thanks for the strategy. This particular site is using Pete's feeder script, so I'm not sure how to make pages with static elements on it just yet (there's now 20,000 pages that I just made a sitemap for). I'll come back to this. In the meantime, I've been getting Fatbomb, Blogbomb, Pagebomb and SSI working and split up some PLR into chunks. I have a Blogbomb question in the "Adding RSS/BlogBomb to Your Pages SSI and htaccess" thread.
Thanks again...Calvin