#0, Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Nov-20-07 at 00:02 AM
Amazon BuyItBomb Readme (zon.cgi)
Bo's "Zon" script is a great cgi script for newbies to use to learn to install scripts, as it's about as easy as it gets when it comes to installation...
Installation Instructions
Get the latest version of zon.zip. It requires the CGI and LWP perl modules (similar to most bombs).
Unzip the file
Open zon.cgi and edit and change the associate_id at the top of the cgi file.
Check the path to perl on the first line and modify if necessary.
Find and change the associate_id (kmelvin-20) at the top of the file to your id s you'll be paid for any sales instead of me.
In your cgi-bin create a folder called: zon
Upload all files to the "zon" folder on your server
Chmod/set permissions to 755 for zon.cgi
Open zon.cgi in your browser and do some searching. The URL should be something like:
An example search and how to use it:
Search for="Sean Connery", Type="keyword", Category="DVD"
Review the HTML results to make sure they look valid.
You can see there are three columns in the results:
The 1st column is a Medium sized image and the title to show what the product looks like.
The 2nd column contains all of the "tags" for use in customizing your rss template (see RSS customization below for more details)
The 3rd column contains the value of the tag that will be replaced in the template.
You can display other results pages by selecting the page pulldown and highlighting the page you want to view, and Re-submitting.
To prepare the data for blogbomb, change the format pulldown to "RSS" so that the correct format of the file is created. Re-submit.
The RSS should look valid. It should contain the appropriate template information that you have specified (basic or detailed).
Copy the URL and paste into blogbomb_admin and voila, you have Amazon products ready for selling with blogbomb via RSS.
*** Notice the "format=rss" argument in the URL. That is what controls the output format ... html, xml or rss
Everything below is OPTIONAL. Don't mess with this unless you are good with html/code:
RSS Customization
You can modify the way RSS results are displayed with the template. For example, the default template is in the rss_basic.html file and looks like this: <a href="%%BuyItURL%%"><img border=0 src="%%ImageUrlMedium%%"><br>
Buy this from Amazon.com</a><br>
Price %%OurPrice%%
Notice there are three "tags" in the template:
More tags are available and their names are displayed in the 2nd column of the HTML results. All you do is put "%%" around the tag and the script will replace it with the corresponding value in the 3rd column.
Searching with HTML results allows you to browse the database before using the results in blogbomb.
Here are the contents of the rss_detailed.html template:
<a href="%%BuyItURL%%"><img border=0 src="%%ImageUrlLarge%%"><br>
Buy this from Amazon.com</a><br>
<b>Price:</b> %%OurPrice%%<br>
<b>Description:</b> %%ProductDescription%%<br>
<b>Customer Rating</b> %%AvgCustomerRating%%<br>
<b>Customer Comments:</b> %%Comment%%
Notice, the addition of these new tags:
These tags can add some "words" to the results for the SE's to find.
To customize your RSS results, you can copy one of these templates to your own template file (it must have a .html extension) or edit one of the existing files to make the rss description field contain your desired information. Your template can contain any html code you want such as links, tables, fonts, etc. Blogbomb seems to work quite well with almost any type of html you can throw at it.
#1, Intro to Using Zon
Posted by Kurt on Nov-20-07 at 00:24 AM
In response to message #0
This post assumes you have Zon up and running.You'll only need to install Zon on one site. Put it on your "main" site, then we'll use RSS to "syndicate" the Amazon stuff to all your other RSS ready domains.
Here's my installation if you haven't installed it yet and want to give it a test drive:
Search for - Enter your keywords about the topic you want to find Amazon stuff for.
Search Type - Almost always choose "keyword", although you can select other choices.
Category - Gives you the option of searching books, electronics, etc.
Format - You have three options, but only page attention to:
Using the HTML option let's you see the results in your browser
The RSS option is what you'll want to use for BlogBomb and other RSS readers.
Page - Amazon only returns 10 results per page. This option lets you select which page of results you want to use. In many cases, you may want to enter multiple pages of results into BlogBomb.
RSS Template - This will vary how the RSS pheed will "look". One option gives you a small graphic and a "buy" link, another option gives you tons of content and a big picture. Get to know these choices by playing around.
How to use it:
What you'll want to do is search using the HTML mode so you can see what's being returned.
Once you find results you like, then SWITCH TO RSS and do the same search.
Now copy the RSS URL from your browser window and paste it into BlogBomb on any domain and you're good to go.
NOTE: A common mistake I make to this day is that I forget the RSS URL and instead use the HTML URL. It won't break anything, but it won't work, either.
So if something isn't working, just check to make sure you're using the RSS URL.
Now here's what happens: Zon will check will Amazon and update your products for you. BlogBomb will check every so often with Zon to get the updated products across all your domains.
Amazon can "hang" once in a while, creating slow results, so set your BlogBomb cache for at least a week, so that BlogBomb doesn't update daily. This will save a lot of hassles.
Option: If you have an RSS friendly email service (I think aWeber is), try adding Zon RSS pheeds to your newsletters.
I use my own Godfather Bomb's rotate feature to add a different book each week, with a long review, to certain newsletters. It adds content and a small revenue stream.
#2, Renaming zon.cgi
Posted by Kurt on Nov-20-07 at 04:13 PM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-07 AT 04:14 PM (PST)
Jeff Usher posted this on another thread:
Just installed zon and the name of the cgi file appears to be
incorrect in the zip file.In the zip file it's:-
Yet the form code on line 232 of the script calls for:-
I just renamed the file as it was easier than editing the code.
Hope this helps.
I've taken care of this and re-uploaded the file.
You can either download it again, or simple rename:
Sorry for the inconvenience...
#3, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by billboy2 on Nov-23-07 at 01:11 AM
In response to message #0
As someone with no experience of installing scripts I decided to start with this one as Kurt said it's about as easy as it gets when it comes to installation.It installed this script with no problems at all and in about half an hour.
The only thing is that the RSS did not work with explorer - error recieved Internet Explorer does not support feeds with DTDs.
However it works perfect with Firefox.
From the confidence and ease of installing Zon and the posts on these forums I have since installed Fatbomb again with no problems.
Thanks folks, now I just have to work out what to do with them !!!
#4, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Nov-23-07 at 03:54 AM
In response to message #3
Hey Bill,That's great news. The skills learned installing these scripts aren't limited to just the "Bombs". Being able to install scripts opens up a whole new world for you and your sites.
We only really use three "advanced" webmaster skills:
- Installing scripts
- SSI ( a method for including the scripts on our web pages)
- htaccess files - Gives the server special instructions
These skills will give us tremendous power and are really worth the effort it takes to master them and are really the only "advanced" skill we'll use here...But we will use them over and over and over.
Now that Bill is on his way to exploiting the benefits of these skills.
Now back on topic: Amazon to RSS...
#5, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by speedymove on Jan-20-08 at 09:50 AM
In response to message #4
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-08 AT 09:52 AM (PST)
I can't seem to find a link for zon anywhere, has it been taken down?p.s. I am a new member here, I am excited by the tools and advice on offer here.
#6, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Jan-20-08 at 10:56 AM
In response to message #5
Hi Steve,This script was part of a monthly download and isn't available right now...It will be "cycled in" some time in the future...
#7, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by tsuyoshi on Feb-03-08 at 11:19 PM
In response to message #6
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-08 AT 11:21 PM (PST)
Hi All,I'm not sure if its Bo's script or MrRat's / http://www.mrrat.com script - because I have a few "long-neglected sites" that I have not updated MrRat's amazon script for ages. I know its a bad practice...
But anyway, I've got this notification from Amazon saying that I'm using the old method to connect to amazon.
I was trying to contact Bo regarding to this, but it seems like his both sites I know of are parked at GoDaddy or expired already.
I wonder if anybody here knows if we can still use Bo's script after March 31?
The following is the message from Amazon:
Amazon Associates ECS Shutdown AnnouncementDear Amazon Associate,
We are writing to remind you that the Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0 is scheduled to be deprecated on March, 31 2008. Our monitoring indicates that your associate tag is being passed into calls to Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0. After March 31, 2008, we will no longer accept Amazon ECS 3.0 requests. Please make sure to contact your development team or application provider to ensure that they have upgraded to Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 (formerly Amazon E-commerce Web Service 4.0) so that you or your customers are not affected by the shutdown.
Amazon ECS 3.0 shutdown was announced < http://tinyurl.com/2zxtm4 > a year ago in February 2007. Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 has had complete feature and data parity with Amazon ECS 3.0 since June 2006 (Version: 2006-06-28). We will re-invest the existing maintenance effort saved by discontinuing Amazon ECS 3.0 into Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 to allow for the introduction of more features and capabilities.
In preparation of the March 31st shutdown, the Amazon ECS 3.0 web service will be unavailable between 10am and Noon PST on February, 19 2008, 10am and 2pm PST on March, 4 2008 and 10am and 4pm PST on March 11 and March 18 2008.
Please refer to the migration guide < http://tinyurl.com/ysorqy > for assistance in mapping Amazon ECS 3.0 calls to their Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 equivalents or visit the Amazon Associates Web Service Developer Forum < http://tinyurl.com/2535za > to connect with other Amazon Associates.
We thank you for being part of Amazon's Associate Program and look forward to your continued support.
The Amazon Associates Team
#8, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Feb-04-08 at 02:37 AM
In response to message #7
Hey Yoshi and Everyone...If we need to, I'll see if Kirill can update Bo's script. If anyone has more info about this update by Amazon, please post below and I'll pass it on to Kirill.
#9, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-04-08 at 04:37 AM
In response to message #8
Yoshi,I got that message too! I wondered if it was Bo's script or another one I have up on an mp3 site.
Kurt, that would be great if you can get that done for us.
#10, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Feb-05-08 at 01:01 PM
In response to message #9
Hey Yoshi and Mary...I'm not sure Bo's Amazon script needs upgrading. I haven't received a message from Google and you're both using other scripts, which blurs the issue some.
Let's all keep an eye on the situation...
#11, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by tasari on Feb-05-08 at 01:26 PM
In response to message #10
Part of the email :"We are writing to remind you that the Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0 is scheduled to be deprecated on March, 31 2008. Our monitoring indicates that your associate tag is being passed into calls to Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0. After March 31, 2008, we will no longer accept Amazon ECS 3.0 requests. Please make sure to contact your development team or application provider to ensure that they have upgraded to Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 (formerly Amazon E-commerce Web Service 4.0) so that you or your customers are not affected by the shutdown.
Amazon ECS 3.0 shutdown was announced a year ago in February 2007. Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 has had complete feature and data parity with Amazon ECS 3.0 since June 2006 (Version: 2006-06-28). We will re-invest the existing maintenance effort saved by discontinuing Amazon ECS 3.0 into Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 to allow for the introduction of more features and capabilities. "
#12, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-06-08 at 08:15 PM
In response to message #11
Well,I guess that about clears it up for us.
Thanks Taz!
So umm ....Kurt,
Can you get Kirill to upgrade it for us to use Amazon's 4.0 thing?
That would be awesome.
#13, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Feb-08-08 at 01:58 PM
In response to message #12
I still haven't gotten anything from Amazon concerning this...But I just sent it to Kirill to see if it needs to be updated. We should have plenty of time to get it back before Amazon changes anything.
#14, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Feb-15-08 at 07:46 AM
In response to message #13
Update: Kirill just started working on this...Right now, it's a low priority as there's plenty of time before the change over.
But, we should have the update done well before the change over.
#15, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-15-08 at 10:15 AM
In response to message #14
>Update: Kirill just started working on this...
>Right now, it's a low priority as there's plenty of time
>before the change over.
>But, we should have the update done well before the change
>over. Hey Kurt,
That's great to hear!
Thanks for the update!
Posted by blue_sky on Feb-16-08 at 11:20 PM
In response to message #15
Hopefully this is the correct place to post it (feel free to move it)Is there a manual available for the original buyitbomb?
It is my understanding that it is not available anymore from buyitbomb.com but I found another source which is selling the script for less!
For those who might own the script:
is it still working or should I rather invest in another software/solution or even get a similar script/solution coded?
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-17-08 at 07:13 PM
In response to message #16
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-08 AT 07:18 PM (PST)
>Hopefully this is the correct place to post it (feel free to
>move it)
>Is there a manual available for the original buyitbomb?
>It is my understanding that it is not available anymore from
>buyitbomb.com but I found another source which is selling
>the script for less!
>For those who might own the script:
>is it still working or should I rather invest in another
>software/solution or even get a similar script/solution
>coded? Hey Karsten,
No, I don't think the original script had a manual.
I'd wait to see what Kirill is cooking up before investing into a software that may be outdated by March!
Kurt mentioned that he is going to ask him to update the old BIB because Amazon is changing a few things.
Taz posted this:
>>>"We are writing to remind you that the Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0 is scheduled to be deprecated on March, 31 2008. Our monitoring indicates that your associate tag is being passed into calls to Amazon E-Commerce Web Service 3.0. After March 31, 2008, we will no longer accept Amazon ECS 3.0 requests. Please make sure to contact your development team or application provider to ensure that they have upgraded to Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 (formerly Amazon E-commerce Web Service 4.0) so that you or your customers are not affected by the shutdown.
Amazon ECS 3.0 shutdown was announced a year ago in February 2007. Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 has had complete feature and data parity with Amazon ECS 3.0 since June 2006 (Version: 2006-06-28). We will re-invest the existing maintenance effort saved by discontinuing Amazon ECS 3.0 into Amazon Associates Web Service 4.0 to allow for the introduction of more features and capabilities. "<<<
I'd just hate to see you waste your money on something you may get here with your membership.
Btw, please email me that URL so I can take a look at the copy and stuff. I want to see if that is an actual copy of the original BIB.
Posted by Kurt on Feb-17-08 at 07:57 PM
In response to message #17
>Is there a manual available for the original buyitbomb?
>It is my understanding that it is not available anymore from
>buyitbomb.com but I found another source which is selling
>the script for less!
What do you mean you've found another source that is selling Bo's script cheaper? Bo's a friend of mine and I don't like him being ripped off.
And you use this forum to try to find a manual for his script that you are trying to rip off?
I've warned you how many times about this BS?
Posted by blue_sky on Feb-19-08 at 11:01 AM
In response to message #18
Mary and Kurt,
I was looking for information about Buyitbomb thats the reason I posted this in the first place.
I was mainly interested in examples how buyitbomb will integrate with blogbomb and fatty. (I would really appreciate if someone can give me some information here like are people still using the script are there other scripts out there etc etc)I searched the whole board but could not find any information I even checked the waybackmachine but could only find the site with the bronco shops (dateafeedshops)
I was searching in google also for buyitbom review, buyitbomb manual, etc. that was when I found a website selling buyitbomb!!!
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-20-08 at 05:23 AM
In response to message #19
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-08 AT 05:33 AM (PST)
Hey Kurt,I don't usually butt in on things, but if I may, I think Karsten's post was misunderstood.
From what I gathered, he wasn't ripping off Bo's script or even buying it from that person. He just commented on it, and was looking for the manual.
I too mis-understood it the first time I read it, but then I got to know him a bit better.
I found his posts to imply things he had no intentions on implying when he initially wrote them.
To me, it's more of a communication problem then it is pirating or something like that.
Hey Karsten,
I do know that Bo doesn't have his site up selling the script right now because of other things he has to attend to.
There isn't any other information on this script then what is already posted either in this forum or one of the others.
Please also note that I am not sure of what forums you have access to either. There may be some areas you cannot get into.
As far as other scripts like this one goes, I haven't seen anything out there like it. The ones that come close to it are basically junk where you have to do a ton of editing or modifications to get things to look right on your sites/blogs.
Even if they did work good at one time, they will have to be modified too because of Amazon's modifications to thier system.
#21, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by merdock on Feb-20-08 at 07:03 AM
In response to message #13
>I still haven't gotten anything from Amazon concerning
>But I just sent it to Kirill to see if it needs to be
>updated. We should have plenty of time to get it back before
>Amazon changes anything. Kurt, I think the only way you'll get an email like this is if you're using an application that uses a developers id (that you have to sign up for with Amazon) I am using an app like this and I'm going to have to remove it because my coding skills are nil.
I just looked thru the Buyitbomb script, and we may very well be safe.
But don't go by me: I am no expert on the subject.
Posted by Kurt on Feb-20-08 at 07:29 AM
In response to message #20
>Hey Kurt,
>I don't usually butt in on things, but if I may, I think
>Karsten's post was misunderstood.
>From what I gathered, he wasn't ripping off Bo's script or
>even buying it from that person. He just commented on it,
>and was looking for the manual.
>I too mis-understood it the first time I read it, but then I
>got to know him a bit better.
>I found his posts to imply things he had no intentions on
>implying when he initially wrote them.
HI Mary,
This is why Karsten is still here. However, it's my job to make sure certain things aren't allowed here. If I misunderstand, it's possible others do too.
Having said this, I'm still uncertain of a few things. Karsten's post isn't about the Amazon script and refers to Bo's merchant pheed script. Why tell the forum that he found a place that sells it cheaper and if anyone has a manual, if the script isn't for sale by Bo?
This is why I needed to ask follow up questions...
#23, RE: Zon Script - Amazon to RSS
Posted by Kurt on Feb-20-08 at 07:33 AM
In response to message #21
>>I still haven't gotten anything from Amazon concerning
>>But I just sent it to Kirill to see if it needs to be
>>updated. We should have plenty of time to get it back before
>>Amazon changes anything.
>Kurt, I think the only way you'll get an email like this is
>if you're using an application that uses a developers id
>(that you have to sign up for with Amazon) I am using an app
>like this and I'm going to have to remove it because my
>coding skills are nil.
>I just looked thru the Buyitbomb script, and we may very
>well be safe.
>But don't go by me: I am no expert on the subject. Hi Merdock,
Thanks for the info. I still haven't been notified by Amazon and have logged into my account and I do make a few sales.
I do have the updated version back from Kirill, but he said it lost some search functions, so I won't release it unless I have to.
As Mary said above, Bo's Amazon script is unlike the others...It's very easy to use and install, yet still has all the features we need.
Posted by mmurtha on Feb-20-08 at 08:16 AM
In response to message #22
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-08 AT 08:18 AM (PST)
>>Hey Kurt,
>>I don't usually butt in on things, but if I may, I think
>>Karsten's post was misunderstood.
>>From what I gathered, he wasn't ripping off Bo's script or
>>even buying it from that person. He just commented on it,
>>and was looking for the manual.
>>I too mis-understood it the first time I read it, but then I
>>got to know him a bit better.
>>I found his posts to imply things he had no intentions on
>>implying when he initially wrote them.
>HI Mary,
>This is why Karsten is still here. However, it's my job to
>make sure certain things aren't allowed here. If I
>misunderstand, it's possible others do too.
>Having said this, I'm still uncertain of a few things.
>Karsten's post isn't about the Amazon script and refers to
>Bo's merchant pheed script. Why tell the forum that he found
>a place that sells it cheaper and if anyone has a manual, if
>the script isn't for sale by Bo?
>This is why I needed to ask follow up questions...
Hey Kurt,
Points well taken.
That was the part I misunderstood too at first.
Lol now I simply chalk it up to being over zealous.
Posted by blue_sky on Feb-20-08 at 08:51 AM
In response to message #24
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-08 AT 09:40 AM (PST)
Mary I really appreciate your post!My post was meant to find more information about buyitbomb.
I didnt ask to get it for free!
With all the PLR and MRR and whatever rights out there it could easily be the case that the owner was selling the rights of the script to others! (couple of weeks ago I bought a keyword script only to find out later that the very same owner was giving the script also away for free....)
Because of the feedback I got here I did some further reseach and found that somebody who is a member at the cbsuccessboard tried to get the site (the site which is selling the script) shut down by the provider. Even though he claimed the site was shut down obviously the very same site is still up and running and selling this script (buyitbomb)
Kurt I will pm you my email address and Bo can contact me if he wish so! I wont comment this any further!
Posted by Kurt on Feb-20-08 at 09:03 AM
In response to message #25
Bo is no longer online.He has two teenage autistic twin boys to take care of and doesn't have the time to give support.
But this doesn't give others the right to sell his stuff. He gave me permission for the Amazon script, but nothing else. And I know he didn't give away rights to BIB.
I'm done with this topic and have other things to do and this is becoming a great distraction. I can either spend time responding to this type of thing, or write about Extreme SEO, but I can't do both at the same time.
#27, Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Mar-20-08 at 05:17 PM
In response to message #26
Let's bump this thread.The updated Zon script is available for download on the Donwload thread...
Can some of your more experienced folks give it a test?
(Don't forget to change my ID to your own)
#28, RE: Zon Update
Posted by mmurtha on Mar-20-08 at 07:10 PM
In response to message #27
Great Kurt, thanks for getting that done for us!I'd love to test it out for you, but I will be tied up at least until midway next week. I have Easter to contend to, and have to run to PA the next morning. Pop's in the hospital with Pneumonia.
But I will be glad to give it run thru when I get back into town.
All the best ...
#29, RE: Zon Update
Posted by tsuyoshi on Mar-20-08 at 10:16 PM
In response to message #28
Thanks much for the update Kurt, its greatly appreciated.I'm kinda tied up til Monday too, but will try the updated version and report back in a few days.
Thanks again,
#30, RE: Zon Update
Posted by tsuyoshi on Mar-23-08 at 00:20 AM
In response to message #29
I tried the updated version and it installed with no problems. But I found that the package missing some files:readme.html, ssi and rss template files; I used Bo's original template files.
> I do have the updated version back from Kirill,
> but he said it lost some search functions
I don't see any problems so far, I compared search results of Bo's original version and Kirill's and found no differences between two... Are you able to elaborate a little more on this, Kurt?
And its not problem since the new version working with no problem, but I tried to rename buyitbomb_zon4.cgi to other name and found I'm not able to do it - or I should say I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I went MySite.tld/cgi/amazon/rename.cgi, entered keyword; html, rss and xml pages came up with no problems.
But the problem started when I copy and paste the URLs into BlogBomb. I copy and paste the SSI code that BB produced on html / php page, but getting this error massage:
No results found.
I'm puzzling why I'm getting this, because I can rename Bo's original version with no problems. Any ideas anybody?
#31, RE: Zon Update
Posted by jump_start1 on Mar-23-08 at 07:10 AM
In response to message #30
I tested it and it seems to work fine....one thing I did notice is that when testing the old cgi before installing the new one I got a lot of "no results found"....I got the same response with the new cgi installed. Maybe Amazon has no results but I doubt it because it is in the electronics niche. Also, I have a question, Does ones need to update the zon rss feeds in the blogbomb from time to time? The reason I ask is I put up 3 pages to a certain category and only page 3 works......Bob
#32, RE: Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Mar-24-08 at 00:00 AM
In response to message #30
Thanks Bob and Yoshi...I'll look more into the Amazon script right away...
#33, RE: Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Mar-24-08 at 10:38 AM
In response to message #32
Hey All..Going through everything, I'm 80% sure that the update will only affect the Amazon script by Mr. Rat and that Bo's Amazon script is OK.
I'm kind of torn here...Since Bo's script is "probably" OK, I hate to waste any time messing with it, if it's not needed.
I will watch this and if Bo's script has problems after March 31st, I'll make getting it fixed a top priority.
For those using Mr. Rat or other Amazon scripts, I'm not sure what to advise concerning upgrading. I'd suggest using Bo's script, but there is still a small chance that it will also need upgrading.
#34, RE: Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Mar-31-08 at 04:08 PM
In response to message #33
REMINDER: Tomorrow (April 1) is the first day of the "change over".Anyone using Bo's script, please keep me posted.
#35, RE: Zon Update
Posted by jump_start1 on Apr-01-08 at 05:31 AM
In response to message #34
Just checked mine websites before I go off to work and all is fine....the updated script is working great...Bob
#36, RE: Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Apr-01-08 at 12:41 PM
In response to message #35
>Just checked mine websites before I go off to work and all
>is fine....the updated script is working great...
>Bob Thanks Bob...
Anyone, how about the older version? Again, I'm not certain we need to upgrade.
#37, RE: Zon Update
Posted by ronzta on Apr-01-08 at 07:51 PM
In response to message #36
My old script from my Buyitbomb install does not seem to be working. I get no results from any query. I haven't installed the new version as yet. Hope this helps.Ron
#38, RE: Zon Update
Posted by tsuyoshi on Apr-01-08 at 09:31 PM
In response to message #37
>My old script from my Buyitbomb install does not seem to be
>working. I get no results from any query. I haven't
>installed the new version as yet. Hope this helps.
>Ron Same here, the old version does not produce any results. The new one working beautifully.
#39, RE: Zon Update
Posted by Kurt on Apr-01-08 at 09:33 PM
In response to message #38
And I'm having the same results as Ron and Yoshi...Thanks guys.Looks like anyone using the old Bo Zon script will have to move over to the updated one.
#40, Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by traffictart on Apr-17-09 at 03:44 PM
In response to message #39
I love the Zon feeds - lots of info about the product. What I want to do is publish Zon feeds in WordPress, using one of those plugins that will publish each RSS item as a separate post, drip-fed over time. - eg one item every day for 10 days.
Problem is, I haven't been able to find any WordPress plugin that will publish the Zon feed correctly. I've tried several plugins, and most of them just show nothing. One or two show the text, mixed up with html, and no images.
I tried putting the feed into BlogBomb, and using the BlogBomb RSS - same problem.
Can anyone suggest a way to get the Zon feed into WordPress posts, one item per post?
#41, RE: Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by Kurt on Apr-17-09 at 09:53 PM
In response to message #40
>I love the Zon feeds - lots of info about the product.
>What I want to do is publish Zon feeds in WordPress, using
>one of those plugins that will publish each RSS item as a
>separate post, drip-fed over time. - eg one item every day
>for 10 days.
>Problem is, I haven't been able to find any WordPress plugin
>that will publish the Zon feed correctly. I've tried
>several plugins, and most of them just show nothing. One or
>two show the text, mixed up with html, and no images.
>I tried putting the feed into BlogBomb, and using the
>BlogBomb RSS - same problem.
>Can anyone suggest a way to get the Zon feed into WordPress
>posts, one item per post?
Hi Leigh,
Amazon is showing in my News Tuel. When using the script, I do get an error in IE7. However, if I paste the URL of the RSS into News Tuel, it will display properly.
Double check that you are using the RSS template (not html or XML). Also check the template itself. Are you using a custom template? Check for errors.
I don't know how to get the RSS into WP, sorry I wish I could be more help.
#42, RE: Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by blue_sky on Jul-10-09 at 02:43 AM
In response to message #41
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-09 AT 02:44 AM (PST)
I just realized I posted my request in the wrong sectionKurt, could you please upload the updated Zone file again...
thanks in advance
#43, RE: Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by Kurt on Jul-10-09 at 07:49 AM
In response to message #42
>I just realized I posted my request in the wrong section
>Kurt, could you please upload the updated Zone file again...
>thanks in advance
Hi Karsten,
I'll post it for part of next month's downloads, which will be on the 20th.
#44, RE: Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by jeffhope on Jul-19-09 at 03:44 AM
In response to message #43
Hi Leigh,Hope you are well!
To get RSS items into Wordpress, try the YAAB plugin:
Works great, easy to work with too!
#45, RE: Using Zon feeds in WordPress?
Posted by blue_sky on Jul-20-09 at 06:46 AM
In response to message #44
@Kurt, is the amazon zone.cgi just one cgi file?
If so I already found the script (on your site LOL)