Member since Dec-5-02
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Aug-16-09, 01:34 AM (PST)
"Pinging wit the Pingz List of Pings"
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-09 AT 01:53 AM (PST)
If you're using Pingz to do your pinging, note that the Ping O Matic info may be outdated. And since I've lost contact with Kirill (my programmer), it probably won't be updated.
However, Pingz has its own ping program built in. Click on "proxies", fill out the info, and Pingz will install your own pinging php script on your own domain. It then checks for updates based on your criteria, and if it detects an update, it will ping the following services.
Just copy the list of ping services below and paste them into the appropriate box in Pingz.
I've tried to remove any doops, but anyone that uses this list may still want to remove any meta-submitters like Ping O matic, as it submits to others on the list, and you could be pinging them too often.