Member since Oct-31-03
908 posts, 2 feedbacks, 1 points
Dec-01-08, 03:30 AM (PST)
"Paypal just SCREWED me!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-08 AT 03:32 AM (PST)
Don't know if you're aware of it but Paypal has opened a Mexico operation. It didn't catch my attention much because A. I'm a US Citizen B. I have a US Bank C. I deal in Dollars
However, it would seem my account has been transfered to the Mexican operation since I have a Mexico mailing address. I had no say in the matter. Plus, I can't email Paypal US as my emails are redirected to the Mexico operation and all the responses are in Spanish, even when they're told I don't read Spanish.
NOW, I can't transfer any funds into or out of my Paypal account without first having a Mexican bank to pipe it through. AND...AND, it has to be transfered into Mexican Pesos. MUST BE!
Member since Oct-31-03
908 posts, 2 feedbacks, 1 points
Dec-04-08, 03:20 AM (PST)
2. "RE: Paypal just SCREWED me!"
This is something you need to know because you definitely need a good laugh.
Paypal says that it's an attempt to stem "money laundering." Ok. Then, why is Paypal forcing me to change my money from Dollars to Pesos and then, back to Dollars? Isn't that a form of "money laundering?" Are they trying to force me to break the law? Sure seems that way to me.