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Apr-18-04, 08:04 AM (PST) |
1. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-04 AT 10:20 AM (PST) ******Before you ATTEMPT to modify files you need to have knowledge of HTML, CSS and be familiar with some .cgi coding practices.*****These are my recommendations based on coding for several years! First step before messing with skins or templates is. . . 1) Make sure Fatbomb works first! 2) Only work on ONE file at a time. There is a lot going here, so the less you mess with at one time the less likely you are to screw something up! 3) Rename your skins files by adding a "1" or "a" behind file name. This way you have a working backup copy ALREADY on your server. 4) Upload ANOTHER copy of the skins and templates to their respective folders. These will be the ones that you will customize. If something goes haywire then you can either revert to your renamed files or upload another copy and start from scratch. 5) Make sure newly uploaded files work. 6) Start customizing! SKINS--- default.html The skins/default.html is the one that will form the overall look and layout to your Fat page. Consider it the "bread" of a sandwich. Make changes to everything ABOVE:
(% if errors %) and BELOW: (% if search.results %) (% include "default-results.html" %) (% end %) Do not mess with the above code unless you REALLY know what you are doing! Before you start "customizing" this file you should do one of two things: 1) Upload a copy of "style.css" in the TEMPLATES folder directly to your "skins" folder, and call it like so before the </head> tag: <style type="text/css">(% include "style.css" %)</style> OR: 2) Link to it in the <head> using this syntax: <style type="text/css">(% include "../templates/style.css" %)</style> ***The '(' and ')' should be replaced with square brackets.*** As I mentioned above, make small changes at a time! This will potentially save you a lot of time and/or having to pay Jeff or myself to "fix" it!!! To make FatBomb look and feel like your site simply take everything from your opening <html> tag to where your content starts and put that before (% if errors %) . Remember the link to the style sheet and also include any styles of your OWN in the "style.css". Then make your <title> tag look like so: <title>Results For (% form.keywords as html %)</title> ***The '(' and ')' should be replaced with square brackets.*** This will display Results For Keyword at the top of the users browser. Of course the "keyword" will be whatever they searched for. Then take everything below your body content and put that BELOW the last (% end %). PLease note that <!-- virtual include ---> WILL NOT WORK. If you have any virtual includes you will need to replace them with the actuall content. If this includes navigation make sure to use full urls (ht tp:// as you are no longer in the "root" anymore. This should get you started! Next we will look at the "default-results.html." That is the "peanutbutter and jelly" to the page! Chris |
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Member since Oct-7-03
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Apr-18-04, 05:48 PM (PST) |
3. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins - shopdcmetro"
First, Let me say first that FATbomb should be called the AwesomeBomb. This is very cool.I'm working on my own skin and I want to use the total search time. I found the following tag which is perfect except that it has accuracy to 9 or 10 decimal places. LEFT_BRACKET % search.total_time % RIGHT_BRACKET Does anyone know how to round this number off to 3 or 4 decimal places? Thanks, Bo - Your Private Online Warehouse |
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Member since Dec-5-02
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Apr-18-04, 10:24 PM (PST) |
6. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins - shopdcmetro"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-04 AT 10:54 PM (PST) Bo,Thanks for the comments... Kelvin, I'm not sure how well FatBomb works in a narrow table. If you use narrow tables, I suggest taking out the preview function... I normally use the two-table layout, one thin for navigation and one "thick" for content. But because of the preview feature, I went with one big f a t table, to give room for the preview, such as at . If/when I want to add naviagation, I'll add links to the top and bottom. There's more than enough room to get 20 + 20 links top and bottom. Plus, don't forget that the ability to add your own links via custom databases add "targeted navigation" via the "search", as you can add links to your own site in the SER's, creating "navigation" based on keyword. Also, FatBomb adds "more" links at the bottom of every page, so if you can get an engine to spider a single page, it could spider up to 15 or more "more results" pages, as they all cross-link with each other. Let's do the math: 20 + 20 navigation links to other FatBomb SERPs = 40 total. Each of the 40 creates, let's say, 15 "more serps", that's 600 pages... And if you understand the "Magic Linking Strategy", you can easily multiply the 600 a couple of more times...  However, the real key will be to linking to all these pages.
-Boom boom boom boom.
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kelvin brown

Member since Dec-11-02
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Apr-19-04, 06:27 AM (PST) |
7. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins - shopdcmetro"
> > >Plus, don't forget that the ability to add your own links >via custom databases add "targeted navigation" via the >"search", as you can add links to your own site in the >SER's, creating "navigation" based on keyword. > >Also, FatBomb adds "more" links at the bottom of every page, >so if you can get an engine to spider a single page, it >could spider up to 15 or more "more results" pages, as they >all cross-link with each other. > >Let's do the math: > >20 + 20 navigation links to other FatBomb SERPs = 40 total. > >Each of the 40 creates, let's say, 15 "more serps", that's >600 pages... > >And if you understand the "Magic Linking Strategy", you can >easily multiply the 600 a couple of more times... > >However, the real key will be to linking to all these pages. Hi Kurt,
Thanks for the feed back. I will be modifing the table for width. That was me seeing what I could do with an existing design. The site i am using is an existing directory, so I am using a custom database. Although only about 400 of my current listing have URLs. My traffic is currently 5k vistors, with an average of 10K page views per month. My goal here is to increase the page views and repeat visitors. over half my traffic comes from various search engines. This makes it hard to tell if I am getting repeat visitors. On this particular site, you will notice I plan to have 30 SERPs to start with. I know my html pages are spidered every couple of days, how well will this links be scanned. Since I can run cgi from any location, I am considering putting everything back a couple of levels, to Previously, because it was automatic, I always allowed free entry into the database. Anyone here considered charging for basic entry. Any thoughts. Thanks Kelvin Join the MadBomber VIP club here |
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Rob Hawkins
Member since Feb-27-04
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Apr-20-04, 08:40 PM (PST) |
8. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Hi Guys, It seems that the page navigation at the bottom of a Fatbomb page doesn't work -- ie: More: <1> <2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> Next » If you click on any of the pages, it just re-opens page 1 It would appear to be this piece of code from 'default-results.html': More: (% for page in search.pages %) (% if page.current %) <strong>((% page.number %))</strong> (% else %) <a href="./?skin=(% as url %)&keywords=(% form.keywords as url %)&start=(% page.start %)&length=(% page.length %)">(% if page.previous %)« Previous (% elif %)Next »(% else %)((% page.number %))(% end %)</a> (% end %) (% end %) (All round brackets are actually square brackets) Any ideas what is wrong and how to correct it? Rob |
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Rob Hawkins
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Apr-20-04, 10:14 PM (PST) |
10. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Hey Jeff, I just found a parallel post on another forum which answered this. it's the line: <a href="./?skin - should be: <a href="/cgi-bin/fatbomb.cgi/?skin (or whatever relevant path to FB) Thanks for offering to help (as usual ) Rob |
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Member since Aug-4-03
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Apr-23-04, 09:45 PM (PST) |
12. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Graeme, Most importantly look in skins/default-results.html . But really you should use a text editor and replace it in every file where it occurs, not just the default. I'd do a search for 1925 (Kurt's ID) and replace it with your own. You can use Windows Explorer Search if you need it. I count 10 files total that need updating, all ending with an .html extension. The 1925 will occur as part of a query string, and just to be safe, you may want to visually check each occurrence of 1925 before changing it. Jeff Join the MadBomber VIP here...
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Member since Aug-4-03
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Apr-24-04, 08:48 PM (PST) |
15. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Graeme, If you don't have the Altavista engine itself checked in your admin, I would imagine those results are being returned from one of the other engines that you do have selected. I don't know which engines feed which anymore, but that's my guess. In other words, maybe instead of engine --> final end URL you may be seeing engine --> AltaVista result fed to engine You might want to try the engines one at a time until you find out which one is creating those. That may be wrong, it's just a guess, as I haven't run into this before. Jeff
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Member since Nov-25-03
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Apr-25-04, 07:02 AM (PST) |
16. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Graeme and All, Hello everyone I am back from the "flu dead." Everyone, when you first start off using FatBomb take the time to use the admin area first. Graeme, I too had that HUGE Altavista pheed dead smack in the middle of pages. I got rid of it by simply checking 'no' in the 'Enable:' box on the 'Engines Page.' You can also give it a weight of '0' too (which I also did) so your are assured that it will not come up on top or even the middle, as long as all the rest have weights higher than '0.' When you do any changes to the weight or enable of any engine make sure to press the 'UPDATE' button for that particular engine or 'UPDATE ALL' at the bottom of the page. This will make your changes go live and be recorded in the engines db file. Chris |
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Member since Oct-12-03
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May-04-04, 01:46 AM (PST) |
17. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
I copied a fatbomb from one site to another and made all the changes I thought necessary to get it working on site #2. It does work, but only after I get this message on the initial search... Cannot remove the file 'data/cache/aol-12532/boat.dat': Permission denied at lib/Gamma/ line 48. If I hit the back button, and then search again, I get the results requested. As I have copied all the files across from site #1 is this problem caused by having the data/cache of the original sites search? If so - Do I need to go through and delete the cached files or am I missing some other line of code that needs changing? Thanks Graeme |
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kelvin brown

Member since Dec-11-02
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May-13-04, 04:42 PM (PST) |
19. "RE: FatBomb Templates - results breaking out of tables"
LAST EDITED ON May-14-04 AT 10:31 PM (PST) by Poker (moderator) I seem to have a table design flaw. Every so ofter, I get some long crazy link that makes you have to scroll to the right to see the whole page. Is this a table problem?
If so, anyone know how to correct it. Here is a example: Poconos haven. (Black-owned resort in Pennsylvania Poconos Mountains)...lines Route 209 in ... HighBeam Research, Free Preview: 'Poconos haven. (Black-owned resort in Pennsylvania Poconos Mountains)'... Full Membership required for unlimited access. Free 7-day trial. Comprehensive archive ... proclaiming endless Pocono...forming a black community in Pennsylvania 's resort countryside ... Removed by Poker Sources: alltheweb, Total Points: 101. example search page. the center column is set 440 but breaks on some long results. (table width="440" border="0" bordercolor="#000000") Join the MadBomber VIP club here |
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Member since Oct-7-03
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May-14-04, 06:47 PM (PST) |
20. "RE: FatBomb Templates - results breaking out of tables"
>I seem to have a table design flaw. Every so ofter, I get >some long crazy link that makes you have to scroll to the >right to see the whole page. > > >Is this a table problem? > >If so, anyone know how to correct it. > >Here is a example: >Kelvin, Unfortunately this is a common problem. Did you notice that the example you posted made the forum really wide now and created a scroll bar at the bottom. It is a common problem that affects HTML in general. Apparently, HTML can be split across multiple lines if there are certain characters (like dashes, spaces, and ? marks) but not others (underscores, plus signs, dots, etc). I don't really know of a way around this except for applications to be coded to truncate these long strings or for folks to start using characters in their URLs that enable splitting. I have started using dashes to separate words now instead of underscores. Sorry for not having a solution, Bo - Your Private Online Warehouse |
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Member since Nov-25-03
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May-14-04, 10:35 PM (PST) |
22. "RE: Moderators"
Kelvin & BO, As far as I know there is no way around around this problem. This is the reason that I do not use "lookquick." I have tried everything. . .fixed width tables, absolute positioning, the works. Still, when that one screwy pheed comes up...BAM! Page layout goes to hell. Chris |
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kelvin brown

Member since Dec-11-02
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May-19-04, 03:22 AM (PST) |
23. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins - shopdcmetro"
Kurt, Great news. I have added about 120 shtml pages to one site, so far with about 380 to go. As I was checking google, I noticed that many pages wre spidered at least 4 SERPs deep and at least one up to 9 pages deep. After only about 3 weeks. kelvin >If/when I want to add naviagation, I'll add links to the top >and bottom. There's more than enough room to get 20 + 20 >links top and bottom. > >Plus, don't forget that the ability to add your own links >via custom databases add "targeted navigation" via the >"search", as you can add links to your own site in the >SER's, creating "navigation" based on keyword. > >Also, FatBomb adds "more" links at the bottom of every page, >so if you can get an engine to spider a single page, it >could spider up to 15 or more "more results" pages, as they >all cross-link with each other. > >Let's do the math: > >20 + 20 navigation links to other FatBomb SERPs = 40 total. > >Each of the 40 creates, let's say, 15 "more serps", that's >600 pages... > >And if you understand the "Magic Linking Strategy", you can >easily multiply the 600 a couple of more times... > >However, the real key will be to linking to all these pages.
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Member since Sep-12-03
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May-20-04, 06:02 AM (PST) |
26. "RE: FatBomb Templates and Skins"
Chris, I had a feeling you were going to say that  I do have a lot of code in my style sheet, because I use the same template for several sites and change the look with different colours. My understanding is that that pushes my content further down the page as far as the SEs are concerned and that may have an effect on SERPs. My other concern is that I put a lot of notes in my style sheet, which I don't particularly want to be seen by someone reading my source code. Not a major problem - I can delete the notes!  If FB can't read a linked style sheet, can it read a linked .js file, do you know? Thanks! Isobel
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